By Morgan Chalfant on Jun 15, 2017 05:21 pm
The so-called ‘smart grid’ isn’t nearly as smart as you think it is, because Technocrats who built it didn’t wrap it in protection against miscreants. They ‘invent’ and then they walk on to the next project without wrapping up details from the last project.
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By Dave Mosher on Jun 15, 2017 05:11 pm
Technocracy Elon Musk put his money where his mouth is and be the first human to go live on the planet Mars, and preferably soon. There is a sub-culture of Technocrats who are bent on escaping Earth.
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By Adrienne LaFrance on Jun 15, 2017 05:03 pm
Because connected Chatbots can use their AI programs to talk to each other, they are developing their own languages, unknown to their designers. What are they saying? What do they mean? What is their intent? Technocrats are opening up Pandora’s Box with technology that they create but do not understand.
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