Hello Beautiful!Together, let us offer our love and blessings as a healing balm for any and all places of inflammation right now on the planet. We offer prayers and peaceful words and actions to bring about balance to all hearts everywhere.
And, we offer this timely teaching from Matt to reflect upon in a moment of inner exploration:
“The ego either needs something to fight for or something to fight against. What if the reason why so much in the world appears the way it does is to keep the pattern of fight active in the collective? When change isn’t something to fight for or fight against, you become the change you wish to see by allowing life to change you for the better. Perhaps this begins by making a decision to no longer fight the things that seem to fight you.
While this is not an excuse to stay in toxic relationships or justify anyone’s unconscious behavior, you can develop the courage and conviction to move into new directions that respect and honor your absolute worth without having to make enemies out of those who seem to make an enemy out of you. Simply by surrendering your need, desire, or tendency to fight your mind, fight your feelings, fight your symptoms, fight with your family, or fight against any perceivable form of injustice, you become an open space through which the light of Divinity shines through for the evolution of all.
This doesn’t mean refusing to take action. It merely invites you to be inspired by what you are here to stand for without having to battle the things you seem to be up against. What is this moment like if you stop fighting, even when the world around you remains in conflict? This is today’s moment of inquiry.” |