Published on May 9, 2017
Sheldan Nidle has been in contact with several ET races and the Galactic Federation of Light since he was a child. He is well known in our community for decades, and his weekly channeled messages from the Sirians are eagerly awaited and regularly posted on the Galactic Connection Daily Blog . This one-hour interview is followed by a presentation of Alexandra’s two new product lines of sacred alchemical oils and essences designed for this intense pre-Ascension phase we are presently experiencing. This tumultuous and promising chapter in our lives is also the primary topic of discussion here.
In this timely and exciting interview, Sheldon Nidle speaks with Alexandra about the big changes that are impending in our immediate future. The demise of USA, Inc. is imminent, according to Sheldan, and the establishment of the new NESARA Republic will closely follow. Sheldan and Alexandra discuss the desperate ploys recently undertaken by the failing forces of darkness to delay this plan, and especially their antics surrounding North Korea. Taking into consideration the many factors of uncertainty, Sheldan gives here his best estimate as to when the political system will be overhauled and prosperity funds will be released.
Alexandra and Sheldan also discuss the ultimate galactic and spiritual stages of the rapid transformations of Earth and society now already upon us: Ascension and the New Earth. They ponder whether we will be taken aboard the ships or into Inner Earth when Gaia experiences her great changes. Despite some uncertainty about the modality of our planetary transformation, Sheldan and Alexandra emphasize that the victory of light over dark forces is already sealed. They also agree that Nibiru does not present any present danger, and that there is no cause for existential fear and dismay about any of the coming changes, but quite the reverse. Joy and celebration are most appropriate.
Sheldan discusses how the galactics have been keeping the worst abuses and catastrophic intents of the Illuminati in check, while allowing Earth’s inhabitants and starseeds to effect those planetary and political changes whose responsibility they took on with this incarnation. He also gives an overview of the future roles and tasks of our galactic ‘mentors’, once the ‘landings’ have commenced, or we are taken aboard the ships. The inner earth Agarthans also will play a major role in these events, according to Sheldan.
A great deal of the conversation revolves around Sheldan’s deep understanding of physics, both the true physics of the universe taught by his own galactic contacts, and also the mistaken views of conventional science. In fact, the world is much simpler than our arcane and complicated scientific disciplines make it out to be. Sheldan is writing a new book on consciousness, the most profound and fundamental aspect of our many worlds, and the basis for all physical manifestation. Here there is but one rule, he says: there are no rules. Rather than the hard and fixed objects of our Cartesian paradigm, in reality, Sheldan says, speaking of the energy that lies beyond matter, “everything flows.” Or at least, it should. This is our birthright; it is what we all once knew and it is that which now awaits us, with New Earth.
Sheldan Nidle’s website is
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.
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