Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for May
Gaia and the History of UFOs
For thousands of years UFOs have visited Gaia, creating controversy among her inhabitants. Over centuries, rulers and governments have gone to extreme lengths to conceal sightings and to provoke fear and xenophobia among their citizens.
In this Webinar, Sheldan provides an overview of UFO history on our planet and explains how we are headed toward disclosure and landings … the key to our galactic future.
Topics include…
• UFOs: a brief planetary history
• Cover-ups: Conspiracy Theories and Ridicule
• Fearmongering: Creating Xenophobia
• Sightings
• Disclosure
• Landings: the key to our Galactic future
Sunday, May 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, May 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Greetings! It is I, Quan Yin. We hope that you are able to feel upon the horizon the winds of change that are touching every part of your planet. It is a miraculous time, one that each of you wanted and chose to be a part of. There is not a single area that is not being affected by all that is taking place. We have spoken to you before about the frequencies separating and indeed that has begun.
For those that have stationed themselves in the higher frequencies, there is a mental ease to this time. This does not mean that all is perfect and joyous in each moment but rather that you are aware and have the tools to cope with anything that comes your way. Think of a boat in a storm, the wave may cover the bow and submerge you for a moment, but the boat always rises again, keeping you afloat. For those who are finding themselves continually submerged, continually battered by the waves, we ask you, what is it that is weighing you down? What is it that must be changed and let go of within so that are no longer anchored to a reality that drowns you bit by bit. For you see, it is that simple, when you follow your heart and not the preconceived limitations of your world you will find yourself rising to meet any challenge.
As the frequencies continue to separate it is an opportunity for each of you to figure out exactly what you would like for your personal reality. The New Earth has been built and anchored in as a possible reality for each person, yet each one must decide how this realm will look and feel to them. Each of you are the creators, it is you alone who will determine what limitations you put on your creation. We are here to say that there are no limitations, except those that still reside within your belief system.
Now is the time to realize your power, your ability to interact with and change everything. Manifestation is more rapid now to show you the power that each of you hold. It is up to each person to look critically at their thoughts, actions and the energy that is being projected and received. For what was once subtle, no longer is. It is for this reason that we ask each of you to be aware of the energies that all outside influences bring, for they may affect your ability to maintain balance and centeredness. When one is not centered into their own being, the incoming light fluctuations will take a toll on one’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
We are asking each person to connect to the New Earth Grid, anchor it fully into your being by holding unconditional love for All in your heart. We hope that you are feeling the excitement as all around you changes and all that you have worked towards comes to fruition.
With great love and admiration,
Quan Yin
