Stephen Bassett Executive Director |
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Summary Stephen Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind the so called “UFO” phenomenon. Stephen has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of formal “Disclosure” by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has given over 1000 radio and television interviews, and PRG’s advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media. In 2013 PRG produced a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. On November 5, 2014 PRG launched a Congressional Hearing/Political Initiative seeking the first hearings on Capitol Hill since 1968 regarding the extraterrestrial presence issue and working to see that issue included in the ongoing presidential campaign. PRG has assisted numerous organizations and initiatives working to 1) raise public awareness of the both the extraterrestrial presence and the truth embargo, 2) convene open congressional hearings to take government and agency witness testimony, and 3) incite the political media to appropriately cover the attendant issues. There can be only one outcome to the Disclosure advocacy movement – the formal acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence by world governments. _____________________________________________ In 1995 Bassett decided to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena. His point of entry was a four-month stint working at the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER), founded by the late Dr. John Mack in Cambridge, MA. In July of 1996 he left Cambridge to set up an advocacy organization, Paradigm Research Group (PRG), in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington, DC. The mission of PRG was to use all means possible to confront the United States government regarding its policy of a truth embargo on the events and evidence demonstrating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and the formal acknowledgement of that presence. One of the first moves of PRG was for Mr. Bassett to register as a lobbyist advocating UFO/ET issues, most importantly Disclosure. He was the first person to ever do so. In April of 1997 he attended the press and congressional briefings conducted in Washington, DC by Steven Greer and CSETI. During the July, 1997 events in Roswell, New Mexico, he assisted Stargate International in launching the “Petition for an Open Congressional Hearing on Modern UFO Evidence.” This is part of an ongoing process to bring the United States Congress formally into the process of disclosure. In October 1997 he assisted Frances Barwood, city councilwoman in Phoenix Arizona, in dealing with an aggressive attempt by her political opponents to discredit and punish her for speaking publicly and in council session on the lack of a proper investigation of the Phoenix UFO sighting in March of 1997. Ms. Barwood won her recall election by a 2 to 1 margin. Another project of importance during this period was publicizing the complex issues represented by the Area 51 environmental damage lawsuit on behalf of former Area 51 employees. This case was pressed by Jonathan Turley of the Environmental Law Advocacy Center at George Washington University and eventually went to the Supreme Court where it was unfortunately rejected. In November of 1997, he turned his attention to the issue of the disposal of records and documents which may have historical bearing on the actions and posture of the U. S. government relating to UFO events and evidence. In January of 1998, Mr. Bassett assisted in launching the campaign of Frances Emma Barwood for Secretary of State of Arizona, the first candidate to ever run for high state or federal office in the United States who will directly address publicly the issue of possible intelligent extraterrestrial presence in our airspace and lack of proper government response to citizens demands on this matter. She subsequently lost the primary election. At midnight on April 30, 1998 he published the “Paradigm Clock” to the World Wide Web. This website is designed to support the researchers/activists in the field. The Clock itself is a metaphor for citizens and the media to develop a feel for the process of disclosure underway. Then from early April of 1998 Mr. Bassett worked to develop media interest in the anomalies present in the photographic returns of the Cydonia region of Mars from the Mars Global Surveyor. Additional concerns included the fate of journalists who had done investigative pieces unfavorable to elements of the government and the secrecy reform legislation (S-712) introduced by Sen. Patrick Moynihan. Early in 1999 Bassett began a collaboration with Robert Bletchman and Larry Bryant of MUFON who had developed a UFO State Ballot Initiative targeting the 16 states permitting direct referendum. He developed a web subsite to represent this project. Missouri became the first test effort under the guidance of MUFON state director, Bruce Widaman. Then in July, after assisting Virginia MUFON in promoting MUFON’s ’99 International Symposium in DC metro area, he begun a process for a more intense approach to Congressional members. Consequently, on July 13, 1999 he founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the first PAC in history to target the politics of extraterrestrial phenomena and the government embargo of facts confirming the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world now. Announced nationally on July 21 it will be promoted via its website at and by ongoing guest media appearances. In 2000 political initiatives were restrained by the pending change of government. Mr. Bassett continued to speak to the issue at conferences in Santa Clara, CA and Santa Fe, NM later that year. Early in 2001 Paradigm Research Group and X-PPAC put their support firmly behind a major new political initiative titled “The Disclosure Project.” Specifically, assistance was given to the holding of an important press conference on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time the testimony of 70 government and agency employees, 21 in person, directly relating to extraterrestrial-related events and evidence was presented to the media. The totality of this testimony, compiled from 120 hours of interviews, essentially confirmed an extraterrestrial presence and a government embargo on formal acknowledgement of this fact. On April 17, 2002, in a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, “Disclosure2003: the Maryland 8th District Congressional Campaign of Stephen Bassett” was formally announced. This campaign sought to challenge the voters of the 8th District (parts of Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties) as well as the other candidates to engage the politics of disclosure and the facts of an extraterrestrial presence along with a range of other controversial issues neglected by America’s increasingly risk averse politicians. The campaign website is archived.. On January 13 of 2003 PRG proposed a new project, Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, which would conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate. The motto for this project is, “If Congress will not do its job, the people will.” PRG sought the funding to launch this project which has the power to end the truth embargo in short order. That funding was finally obtained in late 2012. In April of 2004 he produced the 1st Exopolitics Expo – the X-Conference – held at the Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg. This was followed by X-Conferences 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. On October 1, 2008 PRG launched the Million Fax on Washington with the goal of directing thousands of letters, faxes and emails toward the transition headquarters of the new President Elect. The considerable correspondence generated all called for the new president to end the truth embargo, release all files, call for congressional hearings, and make available ET derived technologies to the public domain. Phase II of the Million Fax on Washington began on February 1, 2009 with the new destination the White House. The final phase of the MFW began on June 1, 2009 whereupon all correspondence was directed at the White House press corps via the White House Correspondents’ Association. These letters, faxes and emails are calling upon the White House press corps to do their job by asking the tough, appropriate questions of the Press Secretary regarding the UFO/ET issue. By extension this campaign includes the political media covering the Department of Defense, Department of State and the CIA. Another important ongoing project of PRG is the Exopolitics World Network. Initiated in March of 2008 (and followed in June by the Exopolitics United States Network) the EWN is setting up exopolitics portal sites in nations around the world. This global network of volunteer sites has a naming protocol to help knit the network together – Exopolitics United States at:, Exopolitics Germany at:, etc. In July of 2010 PRG launched the Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiatives and began setting up volunteer exopolitics talking groups in cities around the world. On July 1, 2011 a new project to establish July 8 as World Disclosure Day was launched. Endorsements are being collected at with over 5000 signature endorsements. This project will help raise public awareness about the Disclosure process In September of 2011 Paradigm Research Group submitted a Disclosure Petition to the White House’s “We the People” project which generated a response from the Obama administration on November 4, 2011. This response was the first time the executive branch has put a position in writing on the extraterrestrial presence issue and is a milestone. A second Disclosure Petition was submitted on February 23, 2012 designed to draw attention to the Rockefeller Initiative (1993-1996). Three more White House petitions were submitted addressing nuclear weapons tampering, the actions of CIA officer Chase Brandon and the Roswell events of July 1947. From April 29 to May 3, 2013 PRG produced a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time 42 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses from 10 countries testified for 30 hours over five days before six former members of the U. S. Congress regarding events and evidence confirming and extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The Hearing was filmed and webcast. On November 5, 2014 PRG launched the Congressional Hearing/Political Initiative seeking hearings for the scores of military/agency/political witnesses of rank and station ready to testify on Capitol Hill. On January 7, 2015 PRG submitted a sixth petition to the White House regarding the demand for congressional hearings. In March of 2015 PRG began meeting with Senate and House office staff regarding congressional hearings for scores of potential military/agency/political witnesses to events and evidence confirming and extraterrestrial presence. Concomitant with these projects is the continuing public awareness work via the PRG website and media appearances coupled with lobbying of the political media to take notice of what is easily the biggest and most important news story in history. With the nation and world moving into new and troubling territory, Mr. Bassett will continue to work to create a broad based coalition within the extraterrestrial phenomena research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of disclosure with interest and concern. The aim is to form a political awareness of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence and beyond. Bassett Speaking Schedule PRG News and Magazine Articles Return to Paradigm Research Group Copyright 1998 Paradigm Research Group |
…the interview with Steven Greer starts at 32:30 min in the video.
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Dear tribe of consciousness evolution,
Tom Kenyon, who is a conduit for the Hathors, is not sending out messages very often. But when he does, we were always standing right before facing critical situations. As I study events of the world very closely, there have been given critical time frames from different sources starting about june and/or september 2017. As the critical events on our planet are getting more and more chaotic each day and as there seems to be plans for inserting more chaotic events, I ask you to follow this call , spread it widely and participate in this World Meditation.
Thank you for all you contributions of evolving consciousness here and now.
My love to you, Arya
A Hathor World Meditation |
The Eye of the StormA Hathor World Meditation through Tom KenyonWe are using the metaphor of a hurricane or cyclone to describe the situation your world is now facing. In the midst of the destructive power of these metaphorical “storms” there is a center place of silence. It is called the “Eye of the Storm.” As the current Chaotic Node increases in intensity, chaotic and destructive forces from multiple sources will swirl about you, much like a hurricane or cyclone. Finding the center “still point” within is a spiritual necessity to survive these times intact. In our previous message called Restoration we shared a sonic ally that can help you reach that center “still point” within and restore yourself at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We are now calling for a World Meditation using Restoration as a means to impart these nurturing and healing energies to those who are receptive to this type of elevation. Before we discuss the details of this World Meditation we wish to discuss to whom these energies will be sent and the nature of these emanations. In some lineages of Buddhism, the term sangha is used to describe a gathering, a community of those who share a similar intent. This joining of individuals around a shared intention creates a Third Force, alchemically speaking. When two or more persons are gathered to share the same intention a Third Force is created that is stronger than the individual forces. In this World Meditation we will be directing healing and restorative energies throughout the world to what amounts to be a world sangha, but this world sangha has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with physics—the physics of consciousness. The Meditation On May 27, 2017, we shall endeavor to create a nexus point, a global “still point” of restoration and healing. The emanations of this “still point” will be directed throughout the world, and it will create a harmonic field of energy. This field of energy can be drawn upon by anyone who desires to receive it or is living in that dimension of consciousness. This energetic is like a gentle breeze and, like all sensory phenomena in this world, some will notice it and some will not. Those who notice this gentle wave of restoration will be deeply touched and elevated spontaneously. Whoever they are, wherever they are, they can draw into themselves the energetics of restoration. If you choose to join us in this World Meditation you will enter into a dimension of consciousness that is beyond time and space. Through the web of interconnectedness, we will join with others throughout the world. Not all of those you make contact with during this meditation will be human. Some of them will be animals, for just like humans some animals are more aware than others. Some animals are highly evolved spiritually and have incarnated into an animal form for reasons known only to the deepest aspects of their being. Some of the beings you will connect with will be nature spirits for many of them are quite weary as nature is increasingly assaulted by mankind. It is important to understand that you will not be imposing anything on anyone. Rather you are introducing into the biosphere and into the interconnectedness of all beings, a healing and restorative energetic. Beings are free to draw this into themselves or not according to their own sovereign will. If you choose to join us during the meditation, you will be giving one of the greatest gifts you can give to the Earth and all the beings who reside upon and within her. The energetic of this meditation will last for 24 hours. The World Meditation will take place during a gathering in Manhattan, New York at the end of a workshop called Sound Immersions. It will last for thirty minutes. Twenty-seven minutes will be spent listening to Restoration and three minutes will be spent in silence at the end. The World Meditation will begin on Saturday, May 27th at 5:30pm East Coast Daylight Savings Time (DST), which corresponds to Saturday, May 27th at 9:30pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The creation of the meditation’s nexus point will end at 6 pm East Coast DST or 10pm GMT. During this thirty-minute period those who are physically in the Sound Immersions workshop will join with us to generate the nexus point. This will be a very potent and powerful experience for those who are present in the room as well as for those who connect with us from afar. Note: To find out when the nexus point occurs in your time zone, go to the Time Zone Converter, which is part of The World Time Clock. Or you can click on this link, which will take you directly to the Time Converter: Once the World Meditation begins it will continue, like the sound of a gong, for twenty-four hours. You can join and enter this vibratory field of healing and restoration anytime during that twenty-four-hour period. Again, we wish to stress that this dimension of consciousness is not bound by time and space. In other words, you can fully enter into the vibratory field of planetary restoration wherever you are physically located. The meditation has two phases. The first phase is to meditate on the sound meditation Restoration. It would be most helpful for you to read the message Restoration as well as work with the sound meditation before the World Meditation takes place. Ideally you would use the advanced form as described in that message. Your attention will be in your physical body, imagining your body as a galaxy of stars. This will allow the Shakti, or spiritual energy, of the sound codes to reach into your body more deeply. You would listen to the sound meditation 1 time during this phase. In the second phase of the meditation, shift your attention to your Third Eye orAjna center. You will be listening to Restoration 2 times during this phase. With awareness in your Third Eye, imagine that you are floating in space with the Earth in front of you. When you have the impression that you are floating in space along with Earth, direct your focus of attention to the Earth as you continue to listen toRestoration. By holding your focus of attention on Earth you will be directing the energies of restoration to the planet and the beings who live upon and within her. For some of you the planet will be close. For some of you the planet will seem far away and anything in between. Your proximity to Earth in this meditation will be dictated by your interdimensional relationship to the planet. If you feel called to join us in this World Meditation, we thank you. In the past we have given various sound gifts as well as intellectual concepts to help you access the higher dimensions of your own consciousness. For us, the sound meditation Restoration is the greatest gift we have given so far. We say this because the origins of this sound meditation are from the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions of our collective consciousness. The Hathors who reside in these higher dimensions are our spiritual teachers. They reside in a dimension of non-duality and continually emanate the vibratory field of peace, nurturance and restoration. For us this field of energy and intelligence is called the Aethos, and from our perspective the beings who reside there are like rainbows. May the peace of restoration that passeth all understanding be with you and your relations as your world enters a most precarious passage. The Hathors Tom’s Thoughts and Observations A link to the sound meditation Restoration appears at the end of this discussion. It is an mp3 audio file that you can download, free of charge, for your own personal use. The Hathors’ instructions for the World Meditation are pretty clear so I don’t think I need to elaborate. But there were a few interesting moments when they gave this transmission, which I thought some readers might find of interest. When they said: “For some of you the planet will be close. For some of you the planet will seem far away and anything in between. Your proximity to Earth in this meditation will be dictated by your interdimensional relationship to the planet.” As the Hathors gave those words, I had the impression of myself being catapulted into space, and as I looked back at Earth in my mind’s eye, I asked them what they meant by that enigmatic statement. They said that for those who have a deep karmic history with Earth, the planet would appear close in the second phase of the meditation. But those who were on Earth not due so much to karmic attachment, but due to being on a spiritual mission would sense Earth at a far distance. They also said that in some instances, those who had completed their karma with Earth in this lifetime might sense the planet at a far distance as well. My body shook from an input of energy when the Hathors said: “This will be a very potent and powerful experience for those who are present in the room as well as for those who connect with us from afar.” I have experienced such energetics from the Hathors before, and it has always been the harbinger of something powerful and significant. My own personal sense is that the entire workshop, Sound Immersions, at Symphony Space in Manhattan on May 27th will generate powerful transformations for all of us who are present in the room. The final Sound Immersion of this event will be the World Meditation as the Hathors described it. The only difference is that I will be bringing in a group of Hathors who reside in the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions to channel sound codes on top of the pre-recorded sound meditation (i.e., Restoration). This should be interesting since the pre-recorded sound meditation already contains sound codes from the Hathorian 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions. My experience of the Hathors that I have encountered from the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions is that they are geometric forms—often spheres. And while many of them emanate white light, a good number of them emanate light that is rainbow-like in color. After the Hathors gave this message I asked them about their comment regarding the beings who reside in Aethos (the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions) as being like rainbows. They explained that while many of the higher dimensional Hathors appear as white luminous spheres, they embody all frequencies of light. And when they emanate beneficial energies they often become rainbow-like and emanate multiple colors simultaneously. The Audio File The sound meditation, Restoration, is 9:01 minutes long, and it is in the Listening Section of the website as an mp3 audio download. Please note that you have to download the file onto your computer before transferring it to other devices. Please also avoid listening to it from our website during the actual World Meditation as it could be too much for our server to handle. When you click on the link below, you will be taken to the Listening Section. After you agree to Listening Agreement, you will have full access to all of the audio files free of charge for your personal use. Scroll down the list of titles until you see Restoration. Click here to listen to and/or download Restoration. Information Not Directly Related to This Message Sound Immersions: The New York Workshop Restoration – an extended play version Transition States: Recordings from a Hathor Intensive You can view class handouts from the Transition States workshop that were given to all workshop participants by going to the Articles section of the website and scroll to the two entries titled Transition States. New Additions to the Listening Section An Ericksonian Sound Exploration The Song of Great Compassion A Dog Name Merlin ©2017 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved |
Our mailing address is: Tom Kenyon
PO Box 98
Orcas, WA 98280 Copyright (C) 2017 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved. |
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Frequencies have Begun Separating
Energy update & Quan Yin Channeling
The word of the day to describe our current times is discombobulated; meaning this energy can be confusing, disconcerting and often frustrating. Many simply feel all over the place – one moment is full of the most incredible bliss and the next moment comes uncertainty and anxiety. The lack of rhythm with this energy has made it a challenge to write about as it changes so quickly. I am going to do my best to summarize what is taking place.
Memories & Emotions Rising
Whether it is through dreams or brief moments of a memory arising, all is coming to the surface. The intensity of this depends on where you are in your process. For some of us it can be the first time we’ve really seen into our depths, felt the sadness and rage. Honor these feelings, allow them to have a voice no matter how ugly they may seem. For others, it’s allowing us to peel back more layers, forgiving and loving ourselves more and more. For myself and some of my clients, the universe has orchestrated events that have showed us where we still have deep hidden wounds even with all the inner work we have done so that we can finally release them. The good news is that we now have the tools to do just that. I asked my guides how to handle the emotions that are rising and was told very clearly that I have a choice I can go into the emotions and relive them or I can choose to see from a higher perspective and let go any sense of wrong doing I feel. It is understanding that being able to see the bigger picture (as much as we can) allows us to walk completely from duality & victimhood to pure personal power; a must for complete soul embodiment.
I was talking with Quan Yin about how so many are drowning in the waves of emotions, unable to keep their heads above water. She said so clearly that “at times one must drown in order to find what makes them breathe” and she reminded me of times I too was drowning, holding on to things that didn’t serve for whatever reason and how much I grew after I released them. The point here is that if you are finding yourself submerged in the emotions and negativity of this world, change your focus and find what makes you breathe, what makes your heart sing. We can get lost in the depth of the releasing taking place on this planet and that takes us off course from our true mission which is to merge with our soul.
Physically & Energetically
Wow, just wow. I find myself waffling between these bursts of inspiration and just wanting to sit and stare at the wall. With the amount of light increasing on the planet in each moment we are being challenged in so many ways. Many are experiencing increased ascension symptoms such as stomach upset, exhaustion, insomnia, and a resurging of old injuries. Where ever your weak spot is, for me it is my back, it may be acting up. The nervous system for many people is on over drive as it responds to the increased light. This sense of tired but wired can cause fair ups in those with autoimmune and other chronic conditions.
We are also receiving massive upgrades to our body systems. These can be in the chakras, to the brain’s functioning, the endocrine and metabolic systems. Be very aware of what your body needs. I recommend not hard lining anything but rather going with the flow of the body. It needs to be understood that generally if a body holds as much light as is possible now that the human form is dropped, leaving only spirit. That is not to be this time, we are continuing our journey with our forms intact and there is no handbook that tells us exactly what is needed. Part of this is you understanding that YOU ARE THE AUTHORITY on you. We can get advice and insight from others but at the end of the day, it is you who must trust you.
On the bright side, so many abilities are opening up for us and again here we must take responsibility for all that we put out there and what we allow in. This is our reality, our creation and we need to manage it. The way that we connect has gotten profoundly deeper as well. None of it is “out there” rather it is all within us. Connect through your heart and allow your soul to become your greatest guide.
Timelines Shifting
The lower timelines are collapsing at a very fast pace. We have really been moving energetically and it will continue to escalate through April. When a timeline collapses it can be as simple as an apparent redirection to major life changes. While these can be hard to understand and accept, it is important to trust that all is happening in your highest long term good. This also explains why so many are feeling triggered, is so that those emotions can be released and the timeline where they were held dissolved. Take a moment and see how even the painful stuff is a gift. A gift showing you it is there so that you may choose different. Pay attention to your surroundings and all the emotions you are experiencing, these are clues as to the frequency you are holding. The fastest way to shift from one frequency to another is to express gratitude for everything, even the painful parts.
Some of you may even be seeing the shifting realities. These can look like grids in the sky, waves in the air as if you were staring at a mirage or steam from a sun baked road. Others may be seeing reality bend and this is wonderful as it leads us to question what reality truly is… and those questions lead to one becoming the master of their reality. It really is a beautiful time, even with all the challenges.
Below is a brief channeling from Quan Yin. I hope that all of you are doing well and are seeing clearly where the frequencies are separating so that you may choose your reality and focus. Sending you all so much love. <3 Jenny
Greetings! It is I, Quan Yin. We hope that you are able to feel upon the horizon the winds of change that are touching every part of your planet. It is a miraculous time, one that each of you wanted and chose to be a part of. There is not a single area that is not being affected by all that is taking place. We have spoken to you before about the frequencies separating and indeed that has begun.
For those that have stationed themselves in the higher frequencies, there is a mental ease to this time. This does not mean that all is perfect and joyous in each moment but rather that you are aware and have the tools to cope with anything that comes your way. Think of a boat in a storm, the wave may cover the bow and submerge you for a moment, but the boat always rises again, keeping you afloat. For those who are finding themselves continually submerged, continually battered by the waves, we ask you, what is it that is weighing you down? What is it that must be changed and let go of within so that are no longer anchored to a reality that drowns you bit by bit. For you see, it is that simple, when you follow your heart and not the preconceived limitations of your world you will find yourself rising to meet any challenge.
As the frequencies continue to separate it is an opportunity for each of you to figure out exactly what you would like for your personal reality. The New Earth has been built and anchored in as a possible reality for each person, yet each one must decide how this realm will look and feel to them. Each of you are the creators, it is you alone who will determine what limitations you put on your creation. We are here to say that there are no limitations, except those that still reside within your belief system.
Now is the time to realize your power, your ability to interact with and change everything. Manifestation is more rapid now to show you the power that each of you hold. It is up to each person to look critically at their thoughts, actions and the energy that is being projected and received. For what was once subtle, no longer is. It is for this reason that we ask each of you to be aware of the energies that all outside influences bring, for they may affect your ability to maintain balance and centeredness. When one is not centered into their own being, the incoming light fluctuations will take a toll on one’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
We are asking each person to connect to the New Earth Grid, anchor it fully into your being by holding unconditional love for All in your heart. We hope that you are feeling the excitement as all around you changes and all that you have worked towards comes to fruition.
With great love and admiration,
Quan Yin
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Copyright 2017, Jenny Schiltz
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**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **