Monatsarchive: April 2017

…I agree 100 % with this very intuitive young man !!!!

Well done connecting the dots….and receiving the unspoken informations. I got the same intuition yesterday.


Dear Supporters, 

It has been our goal to awaken the sleeping masses about free, clean energy technologies that were acquired via reverse-engineering Interstellar craft over the last 70 years. Phase 1 was raising the capital to fund a two-hour documentary and publish a book that would be sold in bookstores.

Mission Accomplished
OFFICIAL Unacknowledged Trailer


 The new film is incredible, and the book has the potential to shatter 70 years of lies and deception. These two new tools can awaken the masses to force zero-point-energy devices on to the free market… but we need your help.



Getting books into stores.

Please increase the demand by calling bookstores in your area THIS WEEK and order a copy of UNDISCLOSED by Dr. Steven M. Greer, published by A&M Publishers ISBN: 978-1943957040


Help inoculate our new UNACKNOWLEDGED trailers from being taken down.

This recently happened to a very vital video detailing an Alien False Flag event. When the video went viral, it was shut down.

To prevent this from happening again, upload the trailers to YOUR YouTube site with a unique trailer name. Then, spread it around to your social media sites.


Attend the premiere.

Tickets to the Unacknowledged documentary premiere are still available. If you will be in the Los Angeles area on April 24, we hope you’ll join us for this amazing evening.

Purchase your tickets before the event is sold out!

Can’t attend the premiere?
Pre-order the Unacknowledged DVD or the digital download to be released on May 9.
The Truth comes out.
STAR LLC | PO Box 265, Crozet, VA 22920

alle starren auf handy+ufo über ihnen

PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

This realm seems like a modern “Alice in Wonderland” reality where what appears real is not and what is ridiculous suddenly seems to be the only true reality. You have those in charge acting in a surreal way. Meanwhile, what appears impossible becomes the only real pathway.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

11 Men, 18 Mac, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The madness of this odd reality continues to bring forth constant new interpretations of how this world works. We are left in a quandary to figure it all out. Because of that, we are left in a holding pattern, but are still in the final process to make possible the predicted release of the RV and the end of the old USA, INC. This realm is filled with constant pitfalls that somehow turn into blessings that move everything forward. We expect to shortly hear that the initial long awaited payouts have at last begun. Those in charge of this task insist that the current misguided state of this realm is not to defer this much-prolonged moment. We expect to hear the good news and know that something grand is about to happen. This journey of yours is constantly tainted by the devious skullduggery of the supposedly helpless dark cabal. We tend to laugh at their assumptions. Our belief is that a major set of miracles is about to descend and change everything.


We have been observing this collective madness for the past few decades, and it is difficult to formally engage it. This realm seems like a modern “Alice in Wonderland” reality where what appears real is not and what is ridiculous suddenly seems to be the only true reality. You have those in charge acting in a surreal way. Meanwhile, what appears impossible becomes the only real pathway. In spite of this, things really do happen in this mixed up upside-down reality. It is no wonder that in the past we avoided such incomplete worlds. Despite this, we are nevertheless committed to doing what is right to permit this realm to grow in consciousness and resolve its present difficulties. We see that those empowered with creating this new world are close to taking their much-required action. It is this that gives us the feeling that something wonderful is about to happen!

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Those whose lives are closely intertwined with sacred process realize how deeply the creation of this new reality is being accomplished even though all seems a little off. Something truly wonderful is being born. The dark is beginning to figure out that this old reality is finished, and in its place is a new one that in the near future is to gift this realm with two things. First, there is the new prosperity and its divine corollary, the rise of a more conscious humanity. Second, there is the growing force in this realm that is to finally seduce and then really destroy the dark and its vile ways. In its wake is to be the energy arising to forge the Light and its true Love, the way of Righteousness! Be ever aware of this and know in your inner Heart that this nonsense-filled morass contains the seeds for this new wondrous reality. You have wandered for seemingly forever to reach this point. Become ever aware that this new sacred force is forming and it is to carry earthly humanity to its destined point of heavenly glory.

The transformation of this reality is to end the present miasma of hopelessness, and replace it with freedom that contains Sovereignty and a way to achieve your inner passions for Love, Light and Joy. It is this set of magnificence that is to be the new republic and its special brand of celestial governance. The sacred force behind all of this is growing and is on the verge of transforming your present unnecessary suffering. Hence, do not think the present unhealthy circumstances are permanent. The dark and its numerous regiments are to be swept away. We welcome the start of our time with you! This is to permit you to participate with all. You are to begin your time with Heaven on Earth. All wonders are to become normal. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Hooray! We are your Ascended Masters! We come filled with a Joy that simply acknowledges how wonderfully you are growing and preparing yourselves for a new reality. This presently forming land is soon to be Blessed by Heaven and therefore able, at the right time, to magically appear. Our operation is to ready these things and prepare ourselves for the manifestation of this inner magnificence! Do not fret, blessed Ones! This new realm is to arise out of the present miasma that currently covers this land of misplaced dreams. You are destined to soon see these wonders and a new reality appear! We realize just how easily you often confuse the coming of Good with bad. We understand why Heaven has so disguised all of this, and that it is leaving you confused in the midst of this specially planned conundrum. This process is now beginning to dissolve and become something that you are to see more clearly.

This process is a means to allow you to see things in a much more appreciable way. It is something that is to change as your consciousness grows. In this new awareness, you are to see us more clearly and better understand how all of this needed to occur. It is often not easy to view old beliefs in new ways. We encountered this as we started our own training to become good and reliable Ascended Masters. It is in the pouring of these new bottles of perceptions that you learn how to reorder your old realities. It is in doing this regularly that you learn to see things differently. You have all swiftly learned about the great power of your collective vision. Now you are to show yourselves the next step, reasserting new beliefs with these most marvelous visions. This reorganization of your old perceptions into new ones is vital to what you do next.

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Think of this growth as a new path toward realizing who you really are and why you are now here. It can be hard, and, as previously stated, somewhat confusing. Let these coming times be a kind of measurement of what lies ahead. Use these lessons to help you better understand what Heaven is really up to. Once you understand inwardly, the strange miasma surrounding you will suddenly make sense. Hence, it is important to remain calm and not to try too hard to make sense of things. At the right time, the hidden truths are to suddenly become quite clear. All is to reveal itself and allow the current points of stress to disappear. In this moment of clarity, you can at last realize why all of this happened in its own divine way. The methods of Heaven can at times seem confusing. However, clarity is to become apparent at the right time.

Today we continued our weekly reports. It is our intention to continue these until Spirit and the Galactic Federation openly arrive on the scene. This auspicious time draws closer with every day! Know, dear Ones that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!)

For more from PAO & Galactic Federation

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Our path towards full consciousness has never been more intense. Many of us are experiencing daily episodes of ascension symptoms. Must we continue to endure these galactic growing pains or … are we ready now?


TOPICS include:

Purpose of ascension – Why now?
Ascension Symptoms – How to cope as we transition from 3D to 5D 

The Galactic Federation’s role in ascension
The Ascended Masters’ role in ascension 

* What’s left for us to experience before we ultimately make the shift?

Thursday, April 20, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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Eckhart Teachings - April Newsletter
Before and After
Deepening Presence Retreat
Europe Events
Omega Institute
Australia Events
Live Teaching
THE LEAP: An excerpt from THE LEAP by Steve Taylor and its foreword by Eckhart Tolle, author ofTHE POWER OF NOW
The fact that enormous collective challenges almost certainly lie ahead for humanity—most of them self-created by the unawakened, egoic state of consciousness that still has the majority of humans in its grip—should not be interpreted as an indication that a more widespread awakening is not going to occur. The opposite is probably the case: the crises we are experiencing, and the greater turmoil to come, may act as a catalyst for a collective shift in consciousness.
P.O. Box 8010 | Boulder | CO | 80306





Within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence.

04/09/2017 by John Smallman

Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that!  However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion.  It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you.  That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you.What is presently occurring is the unraveling of the collective belief in the illusion, and because of that you see apparent chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places across the world as the beliefs that hold it in place are released.  Remember, beliefs are restrictive and limiting opinions that, as humans, you hold and trust, but which are largely invalid.

Humans like beliefs because they seem to offer safety and security, allowing them to align themselves with others who hold the same or similar beliefs, thus helping them to feel accepted, and yet humans are skeptical and very quick to judge and disparage the beliefs others hold that are different from their own.  This intensely bigoted “I’m right and you are wrong” syndrome, constantly leads to disagreement and conflict.  And, of course, it is driven by fear and the desperate need to be accepted, and that is why these beliefs have been held onto so strongly while rarely being questioned – for fear that if questioned, scrutinized, they might be proved wrong.

Over the last few decades numerous entrenched and collective beliefs have been discarded as humanity, moving steadily towards its moment of awakening, has come to realize their invalidity.  And many commonly accepted negative judgments of other people’s life styles have also been discarded.  Many are finally attempting to honor the golden rule “do not do unto others what you would not want them to do to you.”  Even though conflicts and judgments of a very unloving nature are still endemic in many areas, humanity is moving towards acceptance and compassion for each and everyone, and away from judgment.

To awaken means to discard all attitudes and behaviors that are not in complete alignment with Love – judgment, blame, condemnation, disapproval, self-righteousness – and that is what is occurring as more and more people make the choice to toss away those severely limiting and self damaging opinions and affectations.  As general acceptance of one another grows the need for the defenses provided by arrogant and unshakable beliefs and positionalities decreases, and the awareness grows that all are human, seeking only Love, in spite of all the apparent differences between them – nationality, ethnicity, color, sex, political or religious persuasion, interests, and professional qualifications.

You are all the beloved children of God who have momentarily forgotten that divine Truth as you dream the dream of separation and unreality.  Note that word “momentarily,” because in Reality there is only the eternal now, and any apparent move away from that moment can only be extremely brief, so short in fact that it is immeasurable.  To awaken is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, and for that you should give thanks, daily.

Reality, your Home, is joy-filled, the illusion is fear-filled.  Almost every activity in which you engage as humans, whether mental or physical, is to deal with or escape from fear – fear of being unworthy, incompetent, unloved, abandoned, not good enough, attacked, destroyed, judged, blamed, punished, etc., etc. – and of course this fear is, like the illusion that you have built in which to have these very unsettling experiences, itself unreal!

To awaken is your only real desire, because deep within yourselves you know that what you are experiencing is unreal, a dream, or more often a nightmare.  And you want only to be once more permanently in the Presence of God, your infinitely loving Father and the Source of All that exists.  Without God there would be nothing, no consciousness, which is the field of Love in which everything has its eternal existence.  And there is absolutely no possibility of a state “without God.”

God is . . . there is nothing outside God, God is the One Mind in which everything happens.  It is the field of unlimited infinite creative potential of which you are all essential parts or aspects, and which, without even one of you, It would be incomplete, another impossibility, although “impossibilities” are also impossible!

There is only God, and within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence, so REJOICE!  You are to awaken from the momentary aberration that you built, the illusion, and your joy will once more be complete as all memories of unreality fade away through the tiny spot, stain, or blemish that has hidden Reality from you ever so briefly, and which has never existed.

The experiential field in which humanity finds itself is the illusion that you built in which to undergo a sense of abandonment and aloneness in the insane momentary belief that you had no need of God Who had created you and Who had given you everything that He had and is.  In that brief moment you forgot that there was only God and that you were an inseparable part of Him, and in that instant, by your intent, the illusion arrived and you installed yourself within it, apparently completely separated from your divine Source.  And instantly FEAR arose – it seemed enormous and threatening because you had shrunk yourself into a tiny and insignificant human body that was as nothing to the seemingly vast universe in which you found yourself.

But you are not insignificant!  You are an inseparable and infinitely powerful aspect or part of God, the Source, and it is the illusion that is insignificant.  In fact it is so small and insignificant that there will be not a trace of it when you awaken, as you most surely will.

You were created for eternal joy, and in your experiencing of eternal joy God is fulfilled.  And, of course, God is always utterly fulfilled.  Therefore you are always in eternal joy, and when you awaken you will know this once more, as all doubt, fear, pain, and suffering dissolve never to be remembered.  So rejoice in the certainty of the Truth that you are eternally and inseparably One with God.

With so very much love, Saul.

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