Monatsarchive: April 2017


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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

The time of Heaven’s joy is now being readied to be your most wonderful set of ever-unfolding joys! The key is to keep your focus and know inwardly that wonders are truly at hand.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Akbal. 6 Kank’in, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! The final few tasks are nearly complete. As delivery moves forward, each level performs a check, and with great satisfaction raises its moves to the next security point. This careful operation is to continue until all those deserving are paid. As you look at these events, you quickly realize how they are bringing us ever closer to new government, new freedoms and an overwhelming prosperity. It is also allowing for the dark to cast its last days as the major arbiter of this fear-filled reality.

The Light joyfully welcomes the coming death of the dark’s minions. Long ago, when the Anunnaki first took control, the dark changes were seemingly far away. In the midst of this dark interregnum, Heaven was slowly beginning to plant the seeds for a new realm. Despite this, the remaining 13 millennia were able to severely affect you. It left you with a stinging feeling that all was not right and that something wonderful was required to re-balance it. Such a thing is now in the process of transpiring.

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A grand coalition of the Light has broken through and a whole new reality is presently forming around you. This new realm is to banish the dark and its evil ways. The old environment is to be transformed and your inner passions are at last to be a common reality. We ask your continued patience. The time of Heaven’s joy is now being readied to be your most wonderful set of ever-unfolding joys! The key is to keep your focus and know inwardly that wonders are truly at hand. Hosanna! Hosanna!

We came here nearly two decades ago, knowing that this mission was to be a most difficult one. It has proven so, but be sure that Heaven’s changes for this realm are really at hand. Do not let the inherent chaos trouble you. It is, in fact, the turbulence that these grand transformations can at times require. Remain confident and know on the inner that your moment of triumph is near. Besides, we are all here to help you achieve your destined success. These times are indeed a-changin’!

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your grand visions are assisting us in bringing in a new realm that is to be filled with peace, prosperity and Love. This land is to permit you to unleash the marvelous passions that are the basis for your collective visions. Be ready for what is very near to unfolding. As stated previously, Heaven allowed the dark to think that it was able to quickly forge its onerous catastrophe. This is, of course, not the case. Blessed circumstances have led to their downfall, and a wondrous realm is manifesting all around you.

Collectively, we need to hold this wondrous vision of a new, prosperous and sovereign realm. We know just how frustrating this complicated operation has been. Nonetheless, it is something that all of you have contributed to so magnificently. We commend you on what you have helped us to create. This is truly a joint event that you and those in Heaven have forged. We bless you for this long overdue success. You have truly made all of Heaven and Earth blush for the marvelous way that you have conducted yourselves. A giant Hallelujah for your magnificent efforts!

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What is ready to occur are the final set of righteous blows that are to honor the great and courageous efforts of those in the Light that made this all divinely possible. We wish to thank those who finished all those things that are shortly to make possible the NESARA Republic and all that means to humanity and to this glorious Orb, Gaia and her heavenly Spiritual Hierarchy. Let us conclude with acknowledgement and much thanks to all for your good works!

Today, we continued with an abridged version. We intend to continue until all is put right and you freely bask in the Love and Light that you divinely deserve. Many well-earned events are near. Be ready to accept all that is beginning to manifest! Know dear Ones that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for “Be One! Be in Joy!”)

Learn more about our Galactic Neighbors

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THURSDAY is Galactic Activation Day~Join Us


Our path towards full consciousness has never been more intense. Many of us are experiencing daily episodes of ascension symptoms. Must we continue to endure these galactic growing pains or … are we ready now?


TOPICS include:

* Purpose of ascension – Why now?

* Ascension Symptoms – How to cope as we transition from 3D to 5D

* The Galactic Federation’s role in ascension

* The Ascended Masters’ role in ascension

* What’s left for us to experience before we ultimately make the shift?

Thursday, April 20, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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Deutsche Version


Registration now open for a live webinar and new 3-part video series with Eckhart Tolle.
Dear friends,
We are pleased to share a special new video teaching series and an invitation to a free live webinar with Eckhart Tolle.
Eckhart has a powerful gift for teaching about The Power of Presence and how to bring more consciousness into our daily lives. He created this series of teaching videos during a recent retreat and we are writing today to share the first video, “Why Presence?”
Sign Up for the Power of Presence Three-Video Series and Live Webinar
Presence is the timeless sense of Being—not being this or that, but simply Being. When we know this dimension in our own experience, everything changes.
We develop a deep reverence for life and the capacity to be sensitive and responsive to the needs of the moment.
Here, Eckhart speaks about the next step in the evolution of human consciousness—and how each of us is being invited at this critical time in history to embrace this shift. (This is the first of three free video teachings.)
In this important teaching, Eckhart covers:
• Why the arising of Presence is “no longer a luxury, but a necessity”
• The most important thing that can happen in your lifetime
• The positive impact of Presence in our daily lives
• Liberation from the thinking mind
Eckhart also speaks about the next step in the evolution of human consciousness and how each of us is being invited at this critical time in history to embrace this shift.
When you sign up here, you will also be registered for a live webinar with Eckhart that will be broadcast very soon.
Your friends at Eckhart Teachings
P.S. On April 27 at 6:00 PM PT, there will be a live webinar with Eckhart in which he will answer questions about how to bring Presence into some of the most challenging parts of daily life. He will also speak more about The Power of Presence and explain why it is the critical factor for personal and collective evolution.
Sign Up Here for the The Power of Presence Three-Video Series and Live Webinar
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Greetings from Galactic Heart …

Here’s the replay link from Sheldan’s interview with Mark Snider of Ohio Exopolitics. Enjoy!

For interview, click HERE

Selamat Ja! 



Our path towards full consciousness has never been more intense. Many of us are experiencing daily episodes of ascension symptoms. Must we continue to endure these galactic growing pains or … are we ready now?


TOPICS include:

* Purpose of ascension – Why now?

* Ascension Symptoms – How to cope as we transition from 3D to 5D

* The Galactic Federation’s role in ascension

* The Ascended Masters’ role in ascension

* What’s left for us to experience before we ultimately make the shift?

Thursday, April 20, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Archangel Michael ~ Enormous Changes Are in Front of You and All Humanity

fromLeslie-Anne Menzies

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Dear Ones,

Enormous changes are just out in front of you and all humanity. You have strived to bring about all that is transpiring.

The physical exhaustion continues as you realise what an incredible metamorphose you are all experiencing.

Many times we have spoken of your desire and eligibility to be present as these momentous shifts were to take place, and which are occurring within your physicality and within Gaia herself.

You are the ONES bringing and holding the Light of Creation as it manifests through you, to allow the Evolution which is currently unfolding.

Once again, this is not new information, merely a reminder of all you agreed too.

Mighty Beings you are indeed, and your choice to undertake this grand assignment is acknowledged and celebrated in the highest realms.


We witness all that transpires within and around you and applaud your determination to see out this transition of consciousness as it engulfs Planet Earth.

No longer will you be controlled by anything or anyone! You have taken back your power and you are now embracing all you have chosen to undertake.

You are feeling into your roles more adequately than in the past and your knowledge and awareness increases each new day.

You are feeling “empowered,” you are feeling the expression of your “Self” in a grand way. No more ego – just a “knowing which is encoded in love.”

You no longer feel small, you are beginning to sense what it is you are achieving and a knowingness that you are on the path of freedom and that excites your cells Dear Ones.

It is “innate” this path you are on, and now you know that to be true. So much is changing in your being-ness and your belief systems are opening up to greater possibilities when it comes to your own healing. You are turning away from “main-stream” anything, be it healing, news or information of all kinds.

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You are remember “who you are” – why you came and you are embracing so much more of ALL THAT IS.

Dear Ones, your excitement level and belief in the future has amped up and you now “feel” the goodness flowing back into your awareness and that fear is subsiding, as you no longer give your power away.

You are seeing the “signs” of great change and you are feeling within your Being the Grandness of your Soul. You are honouring all that you are and have a knowing that the best is yet to come because YOU are brining it forward with each new breath you take.

You are the Creators of this New Earth and you are celebrated each step you take because you now know this is just the beginning of this incredible awakening you have instigated, and now taking to the next level with ease and grace with a sense of accomplishment not felt, just a short time ago.

No stopping you now Dear Ones. All is about to be revealed and though for many it will still be “shocking,” for you who have done the hard yards, you will be able to extend the hand of Wisdom and walk gently with those just awakening.

You are the Light

You are the Love

Be that Light and that Love in all interactions with ALL Beings and see how quickly that is reflected back to you and your New Earth.

Be the change you came to Be Dear Hearts.

And so it is.


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