That’s why it is important to grow along in this process and to prepare your bodies for the merging with the new etheric frequency as your physical bodies will no longer take on materialistic forms when you arrive at the end of this ride. So being balanced and having an inner connection is very important for you will continue to grow more and more into this new crystalline body and you will go through the alchemical process of the disintegration of the materialistic into the more etheric level, representing the pure essence of your being.
Etheric does not always mean pure energetic but also refers to the inner reflection in your environment and in your reality. This inner reflection is a frequency and a mindless world without ego or thoughts, where everything just IS.
The human brain wants to understand everything and wants to delineate it with words. Well then, this will happen less and less because you are just going to BE more and more, and nothing else. A constant flow in the Now, without any thoughts nor questions. In its place comes the inner knowing, the acceptance and the Being, and this in a constant
Universal created gift 2012-2016. We co-create together and share with Love.
Méline Portia Lafont