I hope you all had a good Martin Luther King day yesterday. The spiritual courage and clear action he exemplified are going to be doubly needed in the months and years ahead.
He lit a torch of transformative wisdom that continues to blaze into the future. Tomorrow, I’ve invited Andrew Havey, my MOST trusted mentor in challenging times, to offer you his wisdom on the spiritual practices we’ll need for navigating the road ahead. You can RSVP here for Turning Anguish Into Opportunity: How Dark Times Can Galvanize the Next Level of Your Sacred Practice & Leadership. With America roiled by divisive politics, our ecosystem in peril, and the world order growing more fragile by the day, it’s time to get deeply serious about our spiritual practices so we can carry on the lineage of MLK or Gandhi, as our allies at Standing Rock have done. Whether you’re called to such frontline activism or to shifting and healing our culture through personal practice and enlightened living, Andrew provides great insight. What we must do, he says, is turn our upset into creativity, despair into discipline, and hopelessness into fierce resolve. How can you tap into the deep courage, patience and joy that’s required to bring more light, freedom and justice to our world? It’s ultimately about becoming a vessel for Grace and a vehicle for healing — and a willingness to be the hands, feet and heart of the Divine, doing what we can to bring more wholeness and wisdom to this world. It’s about standing boldly in our truth, and summoning others from the trance of self-interest and cynicism that’s been degrading our planet for far too long. If you feel called to be a positive and powerful force for good in the world, live a more fully embodied sacred life, and dedicate your unique gifts to the betterment of humanity… …please join us here.
P.S. During this compelling event, Andrew will share:
If you feel called to embrace this historical moment as an opportunity for personal, cultural and global evolution, you’ll receive great value from this sacred hour with one of the wisest teachers of our day! You can register here. |
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