Experience an Instant Calm and Unravel All The Stress of Your Day in Minutes
How Would You Like To Experience Peace
and Calm In Your Day EVERYDAY?
I’m not talking about having a bar of chocolate or a glass of wine,
I’m talking about a deep blissful calming peace.
Well Now You Can.
And not only that, the rest of your day will be lighter, less stressful and easier with this
Powerful 10 minute Technique!
Hear and read more about it here: https://stillnessproject.com/ f8/gentle-breath-meditation/
I Think You’d Agree, Life is Speeding Up.
We are doing more now in our day than we’ve ever done before. We are reading more words, looking at more images, messaging more people and processing more data than ever in the history of mankind.
This is Having a Big Impact on Our Lives.
We are becoming more tired, more stressed, sicker and unhappier than weve ever been. Statistics show that we have more people on antidepressant and anxiety drugs than ever before.

One Thing Can Change All This…Stillness.
Usually $19 Now Only $9
It’s a Scientific Phenomenon That When Things Calm Down and De-excite,
There is More Order and Co-hesion.
It’s been proven that meditation will among other things:
- Improve Your Memory
- Reduce Anxiety
- Enhance Your Immune System
- Help Break Addictions
- Help Regulate Blood Pressure
- Improve Sleep Patterns
- Help Heal Depression
You may be saying that you’ve tried meditation before and you couldn’t do it, or you may be thinking there is no way I could calm this monkey mind of mine down, well, I created this 10 minute meditation technique for my family to help my kids sleep. Now we do it nearly every night and I am going to share it with you.
Hi, my name is Tom Cronin and I’ve been studying meditation for 20 years now. I’ve taught thousands of people all over the world how to find stillness. I’ve been on national TV, have spoken on stage presenting keynote talks in Mexico, Malaysia, The USA, Bali and Australia and featured in countless national media outlets on the topic of meditation.
Meditation transformed my life and I see it revolutionise my students lives as they move from from stress, unhappiness and poor health to calm, happiness and optimal health. This is what some of my students have had to say:

“Learning to meditate with Tom has been amazing. It has changed my life!” – Lisa Nichols, CEO Motivating the Masses, best-selling author and speaker

“Tom has taken some deep dives into the ocean of self. His wisdom and warmth inspires countless others, including myself, to do the same” – Drew Heriot, Director of ‘The Secret’

“Faster Deeper Bliss has helped me achieve an amazing sense of calmness and clarity; with my loved ones, in my career and more importantly in my relationship with myself.” – Aishah Sinclair, TV Presenter and Actor
As you can see, meditation has not only been supported by science to have profoundly positive effects on your body and mind but you can also the effects through the lives of thousands of students that send me emails like this each day.