September Newsletter: Eckhart Tolle on loneliness, plus 50% off sale
June - Eckhart Teachings Newsletter
Eckhart Tolle Now Video: Watch


Meditation: Discovering Your

Essential Nature

Eckhart discusses the purpose of and approaches to formal meditation practice, then leads us in a guided meditation…VIEW

Q and A with Eckhart
Question: My loneliness at not having a life partner is an obstacle to my spiritual development. There’s a part in every person—who you are on the level of form—that tends either towards the male or the female, and it doesn’t necessarily depend on the physical form.

You tend either towards the male or the female and, therefore, you’re not complete because you’re only one half on the level of form—which can be the physical form or the psychological or emotional form just underneath that …MORE

Eckhart Tolle
Present Moment Reminders
As you look at, listen to, touch, or help

your child with this or that, you are alert, still, completely present, not

wanting anything other than that moment as it is." - Eckhart Tolle

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