James Twyman will travel to 12 countries at war starting in August. Millions of people will join in each synchronized meditation.
We need your help to make this year of miracles possible. You’re already aware of the prayer vigil that took place for the Syrian people on February 1st. Millions of people focused their prayers of peace at the same moment James and leaders from the three Abrahamic religions gathered on a hill overlooking an ISIS held village. The momentum was overwhelming, and it was obvious that we had struck a miraculous chord.
What would happen if we came together for a powerful synchronized meditation every month!
Starting in August, James and members of The World Peace Prayer Society will travel to 12 different countries where our prayers are desperately needed. Our focus in August will be nuclear disarmament. We begin in Hiroshima on the anniversary of the first atomic explosion. Then each month we’ll call our Peace Prayer Partners together as we travel to a different country where war and conflict seems to rage.
The expense of such an sacred endeavor is enormous, and we have several creative ways we’ll be reaching out for support. This is the first…
We’re looking for 12 people willing to commit
to covering the cost of a single flight
to one of our peace prayer destinations.
If we had 12 people who are this committed, then we will be well on our way. If you feel called to be one of these Peace Angels, or if your church or organization chooses to be involved, then you will join the journey in a very special way. We’ll bring a picture of you or your group with us and share your story and generosity with the people we are there to serve. The average flight overseas is $800-$1400, but we can also accept air miles as a donation. All we need is 12 people to be committed to this vision of peace to make this a reality. Imagine how much love and light this will generate around the world.
If we have 12 people, each of whom choosing to cover the cost
of one flight over the next 12 months,
we can bring the miracle of peace to so many in need.
If this is something you can commit to, just reply to this email and let us know. Please give us your phone number and we’ll be in touch right away.