The Great Potential in Loss
This month’s content is excerpted from a classic program with Eckhart recorded in 2001 while on retreat in India. Speaking on a breadth of topics of perennial relevance, Eckhart shares essential wisdom on realizing the truth of who we are in our deepest nature…VIEW |
Question: If adversity can help us become more conscious, what about when the life situation is going well? You can either be forced into awakening, in which case you have to wait until things fall apart around you or death approaches—or you can voluntarily embrace awakening, which is what you are doing right now…MORE |
Question: Can you speak on the topic of whether or not to eat meat? I believe that there is a lot of unconsciousness on the planet with respect to the way we grow our food and in how we treat livestock, for example. It’s inhumane. I know there are some religions that believe that you should be vegetarian. I was, in fact, in one of those religions for a time in my early 20s. They said things like, “in the beginning of Adam…MORE |
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