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…. don´t forget the fact of “reflection” when reading this message…embrace yourself and focus on selflove as an answer to the inner judgement, being reflected from the outer world. Arya
Note from Scribe: The following is an email message that I received through the Rainbow Scribe email box 3 days ago – I was surprised that Hilarion chose to address this issue in this week’s message but on reflection, it may help others, so here is the message verbatim that was sent to me from someone who was obviously too cowardly to put their name on it:
“Know that your were always on my sh;t list, so don’t get any big ideas that you are somehow important, your channeling was always mediocre at best, no one ever took you seriously, I know you are border line mentally ill or at least mentally slow and too slow to catch that Steve Beckow was just patronizing you, and we all know you have no talent and are a total waste of space but we were being kind. You are a egomaniac and not in your heart. You are a small person with limited vision, sad case. Blessing of Light.”
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February 7-14, 2016
Beloved Ones,
The only constant during these times is change – and one must be ready and willing to move into the direction that one’s reality mirrors back to them as it occurs. By following these signs that show the way, one begins to live a life of cosmic adventure which becomes filled with wondrous synchronicities and occurrences. You must be willing to release old patterns, energies and material holdings when their use, enjoyment and implementation in your life have been fulfilled. In these times, it becomes necessary to do regular purging of many items which have outlived their usefulness and the willingness to pass them on to others who can still benefit from them. Know that the universe always replaces them with something even better and more befitting your soul’s expansion into broader horizons of illuminated living.
This practice of regular culling of everything in your life that has old and stale energies will reward you a million times over. You will be amazed at the magnificence that rushes in to take its place. As you begin to understand the concepts of healthy detachment from the things of the physical world, you regain the sense of personal freedom and liberation to live a more sovereign and abundant life. You begin to realize that things are nice to have and enjoy in your life but that once their purpose is done, it is easy to let them go. You begin to know that the world you live in is very rich and that there is always more than enough for all. This also opens up avenues of creativity that may have been blocked before. In every sense, your feeling of aliveness in every moment is increased exponentially.
As your inherent internal Light becomes more radiant and luminous, there will be those others in this world that seek to dim that Light so that their level of comfort in their confusion and darkness may continue. Be at peace as you acknowledge their attempt to distract and dim your Light; for you do not owe them the right to diminish you in any way. You are most worthy of all the love in the universe! Send them Light and love and detach from them. No one has the right to put down or diminish another just for the fun of it – this practice or habit has been in use by people throughout the ages and it must stop. ALL are worthy of God’s love and Light! ALL have the same opportunity to grow, learn and expand their understanding of universal laws and to enjoy an abundant life filled with purity, harmony and goodness.
You do not have to justify your existence and presence in this world to anyone! You have a right to be here just as much as they do and indeed, it shows great arrogance on their part to assume superiority over you just for being who you are. Be at peace always and know that you are loved and supported by your Family of Light. Take proper time to discern what is actually occurring when it happens and do not engage this negative energy. It is unfortunate that these psychic attacks can and do still occur but you are becoming more proficient in distancing yourself from them without incurring karma for your soul.
Set your sights and your standard of conduct at the highest level and never look back or sideways when there are attempts made to diminish your Light and lead you astray from the spiritual path and discipline you have chosen. Do this without judgement, just knowing that it is not for you to partake of this energy that tries to displace you from your own healthy sense of self esteem. By this action, you enable others to free themselves from similar situations that might occur in theirlives. This is how the Light of the Divine grows and expands upon your world.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
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2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here
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Mike Quinsey Message, February 05, 2016 |
5th February 2016. Mike Quinsey.Events that will affect your future and be beneficial for you continue to take place, mostly out of your sight. However, there will come a time during the course of this year when you shall learn of the benefits brought about by the changes. It is known that a revaluation of currency is foremost in your minds, and it has taken considerable time to bring countries together in agreement to the changes. There are now sufficient of them for it to brought forward, and there has never been a time when it has achieved such progress. You may therefore be sure that revaluation is in its final stages. Meanwhile more inventions are seeing the light of day, and it is only a matter of time before they start to be released. Be assured that the changes are well under way and too far forward to be halted. Ways of producing free energy have been available for some time and now even more devices are being revealed. Their ultimate use and availability is approaching, but the Illuminati are still trying to prevent their distribution. It will not always remain in this situation as your evolution cannot be held back indefinitely.
Difficult times lie ahead and are inevitable as major changes occur, and commence to alter your way of life from drudgery to one that releases you from it. There are so many changes coming that raise your quality of life to levels that you should have enjoyed by the end of the last century. In what will seem a relatively short time you will have gone ahead in leaps and bounds, until you reach levels that lift you of the old patterns of struggle. The most acceptable and welcome change will be when you are assured of world peace, and the fruits of your labours are used for the benefit of everyone. The biggest gain will be to have sufficient time to follow your own interests, and have the financial means to do so. Life will be become vastly different to what you are presently used to. No longer will Mother Earth be looked upon as a prison planet, and the curfew that you have lived under will in time be lifted. You become free souls and able to follow your own pathway without obstruction. As those of you who are of the Light continue to lift yourselves up, you will be distancing yourselves from those who make little or no attempt to overcome their dark energies. They will experience exactly what they are trying to impose upon your civilisation, and find themselves isolated from the rest of Humanity. By your reckoning it may have taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but in reality it is but a “blink of the eye”. The benefits of such an experience are manifold and have been achieved over such a short period of time. Of course all of you have had to go through some tough challenges but there is no quicker way to evolve. What you have learnt will have prepared you for greater things, and your Sword of Life will have been hardened by your experiences. Take every challenge as an opportunity to raise your vibrations, and know that you are never placed in a situation that is more than you can handle. So if you are presently involved in struggle, know that you do have the ability to achieve success. Also remember that you do not walk your life alone, and there are always dear souls that accompany you and will assist you where they can. However, be aware that help is yours when it is requested and in no way would be imposed upon your freewill. It is known that extremely large numbers of you suffer from various forms of illness, or lack good health for various reasons. Be assured that very soon good health will be the normal way of life, and in most of your lifetimes healing will be available for every soul. In fact there will be instant healing that will also restore broken or lost limbs. The future holds many surprises for you, and all will fill you with joy. God always promised that upon the completion of the present cycle, you would be returning to the higher realms to start an era of continual love and fulfilment. Be one who helps manifest the New Age and helps others to follow the same path. Be loving, and guide others so that they too may find success. Bear in mind that whatever thoughts you give out, you are helping to establish the nature of future events in your lives. Do not underestimate the power of thought as it is you the people of Earth who are determining your own future. So focus on all that is good and helping Humanity to keep their feet on the path of Light. Your Guides certainly work to this end and will do as much as possible to help you keep your goal in sight. In your present circumstances there will always be distractions that could lead you astray. Call upon your Guides in times of need and they will be at your side, and sometimes their presence will be felt that can be very reassuring. Past experience shows that when you have great expectations you tend to feel disappointment if they do not materialise quick enough. Allow ample time for events to take place as a lot is progressing towards completion, and you will know soon enough when they are ready. You will not be disappointed and once those who oppose such moves are no longer able to exert their influence, they will commence to manifest. Once the remnants of the old cycle are removed, a glorious period of growth and development will commence. There is so much destined to happen that no one will be able to halt its advancement, and it will be welcomed all over the world as the New Earth comes into being. Each soul will have much influence as to where their travels take them, and many will commence a new venture. Eventually a whole new vista of opportunity will open up for you as you establish yourself as a Galactic Being. Even now you are being given a greater understanding of the Universe that is being opened up to you. It is full of life that like you is evolving towards a greater understanding of how all is part of the whole. There are so many different forms of life that exist in the many Universes that are around you. Some are so different to your own, yet all are on a path that ensures they continue to evolve. Hu-man is a relatively new species that is ready to move into the higher dimensions. At a high level there is a “war” being fought between the forces of Light and the dark Ones, who although they have found their actions becoming limited, are refusing to surrender. Their fight is destined to result in failure for them as they can no longer use the full weaponry they have amassed. They are doomed yet cling on to hopes of success, when they are losing the power to dictate the final outcome. They are blindly heading for defeat but not in the way you imagine, as the Light does not resort to violence. The end of the old ways of confrontation is in sight, although there is quite a way to go before total peace can be declared. An era of peace approaches that you have earnt through your dedication to the Light and all it represents. May the Love and Light remain with you forever. This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Mike Quinsey.
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- Alais Clay website: http://www.alaisclay.com/
Jeff Berwick talks with Alais Clay
Jeff interviews anarchist musician and Anarchapulco performer, Alais Clay, topics include: government initiated colonization, anti-freedom in the west, fear of freedom, people actually waking up, large scale government atrocities, building community tribal style along natural affinities, the Star Tribe Alliance project, planetary healing, human-animal relationships, Liberland, awareness and truth bombs
- Alais Clay website: http://www.alaisclay.com/
- The Star Tribe Alliance project website: http://www.startribealliance.
org/ - The Anarchapulco Conference: http://anarchapulco.com/
- Anarchast of Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Anarchast/?fref=ts - The Dollar Vigilante: http://dollarvigilante.com
- Anarchast: http://anarchast.com/
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