Monatsarchive: Januar 2016

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In this extra special Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

WEBINAR PREVIEW: Our Shifting Reality


Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

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Webinar Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015


Metatron Message ~ NEW YOU

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 8th January 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa


As the Earth enters into a new cycle/year major shifts of love are being instigated and taking place in this moment. The Earth and humanity are beginning a long awaited alignment with the planet Venus throughout 2016. Venus is known as the planet of love and so a union between the Earth and Venus is and will take place in order to support the Earth in more fully anchoring in to the Era of Love. Thus allowing the Earth to accept her natural vibration while equalling the love frequency created and maintained upon Venus.

It is humanity’s ability to receive and accept which will aid the alignment of the Earth with Venus. As both planets energetically reflect equalling and heightening vibrations of love so the treasures of the Earth will be revealed. By treasures, I, Archangel Metatron, mean the unique sacred wisdom, qualities, Creator vibrations and purpose of Mother Earth and those who inhabit her. As an aspect of humanity your purpose is to receive and accept love so that throughout 2016 you grow and expand as a being and expression of unconditional Creator love. It is important to receive love from the Beings of Venus, your Guides, Angelic Friends, Ascended Masters, Nature, those around you and the Creator. It is essential to recognise there is always an abundance of love available for you to receive. This is not to demand love; it is to nurture yourself with love.

The more you open your mind, consciousness and thoughts to receiving all forms of love the easier it will be for you to accept love, thus utilising it in your reality as guided by your soul. A vital focus at this time is to be conscious of receiving the love of your soul, and soul group if you wish, however accepting the love of your soul into all aspects of your being and body will allow for a fuller experience of connection with all aspects of the Creator.

A focus upon receiving the abundant love which is available for you to absorb will allow for brilliant and
beautiful experiences to enter into your reality. Receiving the love of the Creator signifies and allows you to open yourself to accept all the support, beauty and joyous experiences which you may have been limiting or hindering from being present in your reality. Receiving at this time will not only allow you to heighten your spiritual evolution and connection with the Creator, it will aid greater experiences of happiness and fulfillment in your reality as well as enhancing your focus upon receiving within the consciousness of humanity. When a larger percentage of humanity’s consciousness is focused upon receiving love then this will impact many people encouraging them to open their hearts to receive love. To them it may not feel as if they are receiving love or divine intervention, it may appear as good luck or reward for their hard work. With a greater presence of receiving within humanity’s consciousness the divine Creator will be able to work through many and manifest upon the Earth more fully.


To receive divine blessings or your wishes in your reality no longer is there a need to believe that hard work is necessary. There is a need to instead enhance your inner belief, which is already present, that everything you require is available to you. Through your focus on receiving you can access and experience all you require.

Through this shift in consciousness you will be erasing the energy of striving, suffering and lack from your own consciousness and the consciousness of humanity as these are only products of the ego. Imagine a world with less people striving, suffering and experiencing lack, this can occur with your simple focus upon receiving the love of your soul.

Remember your soul is connected to and is all aspects of the Creator. This is a year for major shifts and accelerated growth within your being which will impact your reality and the consciousness of humanity. The love and support of Venus will create dramatic shifts in your own consciousness and the consciousness of humanity as this will dissolve boundaries and limitations to allow more love to be experienced for all.

Processes of release whether experienced through illness, emotions, the erasing of fears or other forms may still be present with you. This will take place until you and humanity learn to heal and release unneeded energies through the power of the abundant love within your being. As you move through 2016 you will be able to acknowledge that you are learning to heal and release fears through the power of your love, this will be a noticeable shift within your being. To you it will symbolise you are taking more responsibility in your own spiritual evolution, accepting your power, following your inner guidance and aligning with all that is the Creator. This will result in a feeling of truly beginning to grasp the process of ascension upon the Earth.

The alignment of the Earth with Venus will allow for new aspects of yourself to manifest from within your being; higher divine evolved aspects of truth. Due to the enhanced love vibrations upon the Earth, around and within you throughout the year you will be supported in divine frequencies to explore within your being. If you have the determination and the will-power to develop your spiritual evolution, then you will notice a greater experience of divine support embracing you and an unfolding of your truth from within your being. This may result in being guided to address certain issues, energies, habits within your being while noticing that they are easily resolved. With lack of will power you may feel you are being excluded from the love pouring into the Earth from Venus with sensations of being stuck, stagnant or trapped. Will power is an essential focus for the cycle unfolding upon the Earth now. Being consciously aware of your will power or lack of will power as well as your focus of creation will arise in many experiences and reality situations. To support this process of learning and growth you may wish to sit peacefully, in meditation or divine connection and ask yourself:

‘What is my will power? Where does it originate from? Does my will power require me to have a focus? What focus would be most aligned to my soul? How can I enhance my will power?’

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These are valuable questions which will create awakening of your resonance with the Creator from within.

Your insights are of most value, however I wish to remind you that to receive the abundant love of the Creator will awaken and enhance your will power. Your will power is the potent concentration of your soul born from the energy and guidance of the Creator. It is through acceptance and embodiment of love, of all forms, which encourages the development of your will power.

I, Archangel Metatron, encourage you to acknowledge that a new you will be born throughout this year. Taking place through receiving love, accessing and empowering your will power as well as realising that you are now more than ever responsible for the blossoming of truth within your being and that this will occur through your conscious awareness and instigation of shifts within you.

‘I allow myself to receive love with ease.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)

‘I easily access my will power; it is a positive influence in my reality.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)

‘I am now consciously aware of the shifts occurring within my being.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)

‘Through acceptance of myself and the Creator I am my soul, accessing my truth I feel myself to be a new and enriched version of myself.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)

2016, this new cycle will support you in manifesting yourself anew from the purity of your soul, thus creating shifts within your reality which are necessary for your spiritual evolution. It is an opportunity because of the great volume of love, to experience fulfilment, healing, in truth whatever you wish for. I, Archangel Metatron, have shared with you simply a focus which will aid you in accessing the beautiful opportunities available at this time. Your inner planes guides are present to support you, we do require more and more that you call upon our assistance, because as you grow spiritually it is easier for us to communicate with you however your responsibility for your spiritual evolution means we can more increasingly intervene only with your permission.

I am always present to guide and assist,

Archangel Metatron

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Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

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Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
Wir sind das globale Bewusstsein
Wir sind das globale Bewusstsein

Nachweislich kreieren wir alle kollektiv eine Art planetarisches und kollektives Bewusstsein.Das Ziel von Bestseller-Autor und Biophysiker Dieter Broers ist – in Zusammenarbeit mit Rollin McCraty, stellvertretender Präsident und technischer Direktor vom HeartMath-Institute – die Fähigkeiten unseres geistigen Potenzials sichtbar zu machen, und das globale Bewusstsein durch bestimmte geistige Übungen anzuheben……wie das erfolgen könnte, ist hier im Beitrag zu finden…

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Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen: bald Realität in der Schweiz und in Finnland?
Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen: bald Realität in der Schweiz und in Finnland?

Gleiches Geld für alle…Das bedingungslose GrundeinkommenSpinnerei von Sozialromantikern oder Schlüssel zu einer gerechteren Gesellschaft? Bisher scheiden sich die Geister, doch 2016 könnten die Schweiz und Finnland die Weichen dafür stellen…

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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer von,
es gibt großartige Neuigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserer Hausausweis-Klage: Der Bundestag hat die Vergabepraxis von geheimen Hausausweisen vollkommen überraschend abgeschafft!

Monatelang hatten sich Union und SPD geweigert, ihre Lobbykontakte offenzulegen. Doch diese Geheimniskrämerei wird es künftig nicht mehr geben. Nach Informationen von und ZDF können Lobbyisten ab sofort keine Hausausweise mehr unter der Hand bekommen. Stattdessen werden wir Bürgerinnen und Bürger demnächst öffentlich einsehen können, welche Unternehmen unbegrenzten Zugang zu unseren Abgeordneten haben.

Jetzt wird klar: Unsere Klage und der öffentliche Druck, den wir mit Ihnen in den vergangenen Monaten erzeugt haben, hat die Große Koalition zum Einlenken gezwungen! Doch nun dürfen wir nicht locker lassen, sondern müssen Union und SPD dazu bringen, dass sie tatsächlich ein wirksames Lobbyregister einführen. Denn wie weitreichend die neuen Transparenzregeln sein werden, ist noch nicht klar.

Sorgen Sie dafür, dass wir den Druck auf die Politik aufrechterhalten und werden Sie Förderin/Förderer Als Dankeschön erhalten Sie bei einem monatlichen Förderbeitrag von 10 Euro oder mehr das Buch „Die Lobby-Republik“ des bekannten STERN-Journalisten und Autors Hans-Martin Tillack. Darin beschreibt Tillack spannend und anschaulich, wie Lobbyisten hierzulande Politik in ihrem Sinne beeinflussen.

Jetzt fördern und Buchgeschenk erhalten:

Spenden und Förderbeiträge für
sind steuerlich absetzbar

Die Buchaktion läuft bis einschließlich Dienstag, den 19. Januar 2016.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen von
Gregor Hackmack
Boris Hekele
… und dem gesamten
Petition gegen Lobbyistenspenden an Parteien unterzeichnen!

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Parlamentwatch e.V. hat seinen Sitz in Hamburg, eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 19479, vertretungsberechtigte Vorstandsmitglieder sind Boris Hekele und Gregor Hackmack.

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Hallo und guten Tag, 

wie sagte der Philosoph Jürgen Habermas letztens: “Die Politik macht das, was 80 Prozent ablehnen. Deshalb wird die Demokratie zum Störfaktor”. Damit brachte er auf den Punkt, was immer mehr Menschen denken: Wie kann sich ein Land demokratisch nennen, wenn das, was die Politiker entscheiden, nicht dem Willen der Bevölkerung entspricht, sondern dem einzelner Interessengruppen? Warum wählen wir eigentlich, wenn am Ende nicht DAS geschieht, was WIR wollen und ALLEN nützt, sondern vor allem das, was die Gewinne der Banken, Versicherungen, Auto-, Chemie- und Lebensmittelkonzerne mehrt?

AmpelUnd warum ist das so? Ganz einfach: 30.000 Lobbyisten – ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen – 30.000 Lobbyisten, also fast 40 pro Europaparlamentarier, sorgen in Brüssel dafür, dass die Demokratie zur Lobbykratie mutiert. Und daran wird auch die in 2015 beschlossene Karenzzeit von 12 – 18 Monaten für Politiker, die in die Wirtschaft wechseln wollen, nichts ändern. Denn dieser Zeitraum ist viel zu kurz. Zumal den Politikern erlaubt ist, schon während dieser Karenzperiode Arbeitsverträge für die Zeit danach abzuschließen! Es wird nichts daran ändern, dass das Demokratieprinzip weiterhin außer Kraft gesetzt wird.

Lobbykratie zum Ersten: Mit Marktmacht, Geld, “Think-Tanks” und Anwaltskanzleien wehren die Konzern-Lobbyisten Gesetze ab, ja, verwandeln deren Stoßrichtung ins Gegenteil. Eine Milliarde (!!) Euro hat die Lebensmittelindustrie aufgewendet, und mit einer jahrelangen Kampagne die “Ampelkennzeichnung” verhindert, die über 70 Prozent der Verbraucher wünschen. Mit der Ampel hätten Käufer auf einen Blick erkennen können, ob ein Lebensmittel viel, mittel oder wenig Zucker, Salz und Fett enthält. Deshalb war die Milliarde aus Sicht der Lebensmittelindustrie sehr gut investiert – im Vergleich zu den drohenden Umsatzverlusten und Gewinneinbrüchen. Denn plötzlich hätten die Verbraucher vermeintliche Fitness-Produkte als Zuckerbomben entlarvt.

Lobbykratie zum Zweiten: Seit Jahren tut die Lebensmittelindustrie alles, um die Schriftgröße für Informationen auf Lebensmittelverpackungen möglichst klein zu halten. So klein, dass sie kaum lesbar ist. Was ihr denn auch immer wieder gelingt! So haben es die Lobbyisten geschafft, den Vorschlag der EU-Kommission, die Schriftgröße auf 3 Millimeter festzulegen, zu verhindern. Die vorgeschriebene Mindestschriftgröße beträgt nun 1,2 Millimeter auf die Höhe des kleinen x bezogen. In einigen Supermärkten finden Sie an den Einkaufswagen festmontierte Lupen! Eine Lupe als Symbol für die Bankrotterklärung der Politik. Das i-Tüpfelchen, liebe foodwatch-Interessierte ist aber die Begründung der Lebensmittelindustrie. Sie argumentiert nämlich, eine größere Schrift würde ihren “Markenauftritt” gefährden! Klarer kann man nicht sagen, dass nur der Gewinn zählt und der Verbraucher nichts!

KleingedrucktesLiebe foodwatch-Interessierte, es gehört zur Demokratie, dass Interessenverbände sich für ihre Anliegen stark machen und Parlamentarier und Regierungen davon überzeugen dürfen. Auch foodwatch, als Streiter für die Rechte der Verbraucher, macht von diesem Recht Gebrauch. Was aber nicht sein darf: Dass die Gesetze nach den Interessen einer Wirtschaftsbranche geschrieben werden und unsere Regierungen als Dienstleister der Industrie agieren! Wenn Sie, liebe foodwatch-Interessierte, das auch so sehen, dann schließen Sie sich uns an und werden Sie Förderin/Förderer.

Lobbykratie zum Dritten: Das Schweinefleisch für den Schwarzwälder Schinken darf, solange es im Schwarzwald verarbeitet wird, aus ganz Europa (ja sogar aus Neuseeland!) kommen – wir erfahren es nicht. Und die Früchte der Marmelade können aus Südamerika kommen – wir erfahren es nicht. Weil aber Verbraucher wissen wollen, woher die Lebensmittel kommen, die sie kaufen, hat sich das EU-Parlament für eine verbesserte Herkunftskennzeichnung ausgesprochen. Auch diese Initiative ist an der hartnäckigen Lobbyarbeit der Lebensmittelindustrie gescheitert. Nach eigenem Bekunden “rügte” der Spitzenverband der Lebensmittelindustrie das Ansinnen des EU-Parlaments als “zu weitgehend”. Das Ergebnis ist bekannt: Es gibt nach wie vor keine Herkunftskennzeichnung für verarbeitete Lebensmittel. Anscheinend hat mittlerweile die Lebensmittel-Lobby die Oberaufsicht über die Gesetzgebung: Bei Verbesserungen für den Verbraucher wird “gerügt” und – basta!

EU-ParlamentUnd was macht die Politik? Sie knickt ein. Es gibt beispielsweise ein “Transparenzregister” in Straßburg und Brüssel. Hier sollen sich alle Lobbyisten mit ihrem Interesse und Budget eintragen. So der fromme Wunsch. Doch dieses Register ist, mit Verlaub, eine Lachnummer! Warum? Die Eintragung in das Transparenzregister ist freiwillig!

Liebe foodwatch-Interessierte, mittlerweile habe ich einige Jahre politischer Erfahrungen hinter mir. Aber ich muss Ihnen leider sagen: Es wird nicht besser, es wird schlimmer! Mit immer ausgefeilteren Methoden und Strategien hebeln Wirtschaftsinteressen das Allgemeinwohl aus. Und die Regierungen lassen sich regelrecht vorführen. Es möglichst den Konzernen recht machen – das scheint die Devise zu sein. Mein Team und ich wollen das nicht akzeptieren. Es darf nicht sein, dass die Lebensmittelkonzerne die Lebensmittelgesetze schreiben! Stärken Sie die Stimme der Verbraucher. Werden Sie Förderer/Förderin von foodwatch.

Wir brauchen Ihre Unterstützung, um diesen Kampf für uns alle zu führen. Im Moment sind wir in ganz Deutschland etwa 33.000 foodwatch-Mitglieder, also etwas mehr als Lobbyisten in Brüssel, die der europäischen Politik ihre Ziele einflüstern. Wenn wir etwas verändern wollen, müssen wir aber VIEL mehr werden und die Anzahl der Lobbyisten deutlich überschreiten. Dann können wir gemeinsam den Einfluss der Lebensmittellobby zurückdrängen. Ich bitte Sie deshalb, werden Sie ein Teil von foodwatch, werden Sie noch heute Förderin/Förderer von foodwatch.

Wirtschaftliche Macht darf nicht mehr Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen haben als unsere demokratischen Rechte auf Transparenz und Gesundheitsschutz beim täglichen Lebensmitteleinkauf!

Werden Sie jetzt Förderer/Förderin von foodwatch! Ich verspreche Ihnen – wir geben nicht auf!

P.S.: Geld ist das eine. Die Anzahl unserer Förderer spielt aber auch eine große Rolle, um uns als Organisation Gehör zu verschaffen. Je mehr Unterstützer wir haben, desto leichter können wir Druck ausüben. Deshalb: Werden Sie bitte Förderin/Förderer und kämpfen Sie gemeinsam mit uns für Ihr Recht!

Upset = Lost Touch with Who You Are

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A Message from Jesus

from John Smallman

In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness


Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016. Much has been going on at deeper levels of the human collective as you prepare yourselves collectively and individually for your awakening, and the effects of those preparations will start to become apparent in various areas of human endeavor. There will be much to intrigue and delight you in 2016 in spite of the ongoing disagreements and conflicts occurring across the world, which the mainstream media tends to use to further develop their fear-driven agendas which would encourage you to believe that things will only get worse!

To awaken is to become free. Free of all the emotional and psychological baggage that drains your energy fields and undermines your enthusiasm for life, leaving you depressed and unmotivated as you struggle with your daily round of worldly commitments. Commitments that seem only to increase in number no matter how many you resolve and leave behind. The illusory world, in which humans appear to interact as separate individuals, with each one seemingly in an almost constant battle for survival while seeking desperately for love and acceptance, is a very demanding and exhausting environment. But every one of you chose to be here at this time to undergo and grow from the lessons that you set upon your path before you incarnated, and to assist humanity in general to awaken.

You do each have an essential purpose on Earth in every moment, but uncovering that purpose and allowing it to emerge and change your lives is not that easy, although it is simple. Simple? Yes, it is simply to be Love in action!

However, the world in which you experience life as humans seems so real and dangerous that to just live seems to demand almost all of your personal energy and resources, leaving little time or motivation for your essential spiritual task. When you feel threatened and fearful you erect defenses and conceal yourselves behind masks that disguise your true identity. You have been doing this for so long that you have forgotten that your true identity is as one with each other and with God. Instead you fear one another, even in the most intimate of relationships, because betrayal of trust has become endemic.


The only way out of this quagmire of fear is to let it go and allow Love to direct you in every moment. But, because your unreal and threatening environment appears so real to you, that seems to be an insane course of action, one that is bound to end in disaster. Over the eons wise ones have come among you frequently to demonstrate this way of living, and while for the most part acknowledging the wisdom of the lessons they have taught and demonstrated, you have convinced yourselves that they are somehow “special,” and that what they did and how they lived is impossible for “normal” people.

Now, with the power of the Tsunami of Love flowing freely across the planet, more and more of you are feeling its effects and are reassessing your lives and the way you are living them. You are recognizing that life is intended to be a far more uplifting and satisfying experience than a purely materialistic life style can ever provide, and so you are turning inwards to engage with meditative and contemplative practices. These practices are enabling you to find within you a sense of peace and resilience that confirms for you that your true nature is indeed spiritual, while giving you the strength to remove your masks and operate daily from that place of inner strength by engaging with Love instead of with fear.

You are, as most of you well know, spiritual beings of great power and creativity having a temporary limited experience as humans within the illusory world that you built when you made the decision to be separate and to accumulate the strange but utterly unreal knowledge that life separated from your Source would allow you to investigate. You knew that separation was impossible because there is only All That Is which is Oneness, extant in an infinite creative field where Love is the power that makes all that is possible possible.

By entering the illusion, the unreal and temporary environment that you had constructed for some temporary and seemingly promising diversions from your natural state of limitless creative ability, you lost sight of and then totally forgot Who You were. That was Your intention, it was to be part of the game, but God, understanding how lost, frightened, and confused You would become, instantly provided the means for you to retrieve Your memory, awaken from the dream, and return to Your divine Home, even though You had never left.

awakening the dreamer hero image

Yes, what You constructed in order to play with the sense of separation was and is very convincing once You engage with it and seemingly find Yourself within it. Split into innumerable myriad individual entities each of whom felt alone, abandoned, insignificant, and of little if any value in the apparently vast universe in which you found yourselves, fear arose. Fear is utterly unreal, and therefore You had never experienced it. But, within the illusion, it arose because You were now apparently a tiny and insignificant individual desperately attempting to survive in a very hostile environment in which others, just like you, were dealing with the same issues in myriad different ways. The experience was, and remains, overwhelming.

In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness so that the illusion’s vastness and your insignificance would be hidden from you. This limited the amount of fear or terror that you might experience. However, in the last few centuries, your scientists have begun to realize how vast the illusion is, and that shocking realization has led you to seek an escape from your seemingly complete insignificance in the larger scheme of things.

Throughout the ages of the illusion there has always been what has come to be called The Perennial Philosophy, after a recent book of the same name, whereby it is seen that all the world’s major religions have always offered the same basic spiritual message, a message of unconditional Love. However, as these religions became established and mainstream the message became corrupted because the first followers of these loving beings – the founders of these religions – on whose beliefs and ways of life these various religions claimed to be based, almost invariably sought to attain personal power and influence through their connection to the holy one. Consequently most religious organizations, instead of showing Love in action, built power bases from which their leaders could draw enormous material benefits while subjugating the masses of separated souls, who were desperately seeking salvation, by convincing them to surrender their sovereignty and instead support the hierarchy that then used that support for its own nefarious purposes.


Now awareness of this corruption has become so widespread that the elite bloodlines who have enjoyed, engaged in, and used these corrupt practices for eons, can no longer control humanity. Humanity has, as we have remarked before, made the collective decision to awaken into their true heritage as unseparated divine beings at one with God. And that decision is irreversible. You will awaken, because it is your and God’s Will that you do so, and because you are already awakening.

Your main, indeed your only task is to be loving in every moment. You know that Love is always the answer, regardless of any question that might be asked, because with Love there are no “ifs” “ands” or “buts.” So, Walk Your Talk! That is how the world changes, by people, just like you, walking their talk. It does not change through rhetoric, discussion, or argument, let alone through war and conflict, it changes one person at a time, and now is the time when all persons are changing together.

The will to change exists, because it is the divine Will. So does the intention, because you have all had enough pain, suffering, and war. Therefore be sure to go within daily and hold God’s Light on high by intending to be a conduit or channel through which the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love flows freely and abundantly in every moment to all on the planet. The results will astound you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Webinar Archive ready for downloading…

With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.

Topics include…

• How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

For your downloadable file, Click Here

WEBINAR PREVIEW: Divine Reality & Prosperity

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Dr. Greer at Conscious Living Expo – Sunday February 21, 2016
6 – 8 p.m – Talk and Webinar
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Steve Greer
If we are going to achieve world peace we need to truly understand the commonalities among peoples and races. …How much more so for Peace throughout the Universe.  That fundamental commonality is our Universal Consciousness.  The light of oneness that shines from within – no matter how different the outside form – is the basis for our communication with all sentient beings.
Join Dr. Greer for a riveting 2 hours discussing the importance of Cosmic Consciousness, Vedic Remote Viewing, the experiences of the Contact groups that have been making contact for over 25 years – and the promise this holds for Universal Peace.  Share in the vision of what the next 500,000 years of human evolution will look like!
Dr. Greer in person:
Live at Conscious Living Expo – LAX Hilton – Sunday February 21, 2016 – 6 – 8 pm
click here for tickets.   (You must also purchase a ticket to the Expo to attend the lecture.)
Webinar – watch on Sunday February 21, 2016 – 6- 8 pm or at your convenience.
click here for the webinar.
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2016 is the Year to MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL

Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians
“YOU will assist the birth of New Earth by connecting
your third dimensional self with your Multidimensional SELF.”
~ The Arcturians
Coming UP in 2016
Beloved members of Ascending Earth,
We, the Arcturians, wish to share that as you have come to the close of 2015,
you are preparing in earnest for the fulfillment of your Mission to Earth.
As you are aware, the basis of your mission is to assist in transmuting Gaia.
To best serve that Mission, you are NOW in the process of recalibrating your chakras so that they can serve to unite the fifth and sixth dimensional energy fields with the third and fourth dimensional frequency of your physical body.
Beloved Ones, we ask that you release your attachments to the ego of your third dimensional vessel so that you can fully remember WHO you truly are and WHY you took an earth vessel within this vital NOW of the transmutation of all planetary life.
How do you release your attachment to your ego that has served to protect you for your entire incarnation? There is only one tool that is strong enough to pry you from the safety of your protective ego and open your conscious awareness to the higher light that is NOW streaming into your reality, your planet, and your own physical body.
That tool is unconditional love for your self. Your ego has taught you that it is “conceited” to love your self. Your ego has taught you to hang your head in disappointment or shame that you did not do “better.”
On the other hand, your true Multidimensional SELF has been whispering into your heart that YOU are here to usher in New Earth. How can YOU, just a regular person, have the ability to assist with the establishment of New Earth?
We will happily answer that question. YOU will assist the birth of New Earth by connecting your third dimensional self with your Multidimensional SELF. Then YOU are no longer your ego. Then, you are a Multidimensional Being who has volunteered to lower your immense consciousness into a small clay vessel.
Why would you do such a thing? Why would you leave a fifth dimensional, and beyond, reality to wear a small vessel made of the elements of planet Earth? Why would you want to inhabit a vessel, which could only contain the lowest frequencies of your true, magnificent consciousness?
You volunteered for this most difficult and dangerous “away mission” so that you could assist planet Earth. Many of our volunteers have had many incarnations on Gaia, some have had only a few incarnations on Earth, and some of you have never before incarnated on Earth.
We have chosen our “landing party,” as you are called, to have all three of those perspectives of life on third dimensional Earth. Those of you who have had many incarnations on third dimensional Earth have experienced many lessons, failures, victories, and multiple experiences. What you have learned on Earth will be very helpful with the fulfillment of your mission.
However, there are also many hardships that will need to be loved free and transmuted back into your true fifth dimensional, and beyond, expressions of SELF. You, dear brave ones, have volunteered to take on the injuries of a planet in turmoil.
With your open hearts and brave minds, you volunteered to experience the damage that has been done to planet Gaia, so that when you healed your self, you would also heal the planet. Yes, our brave away team, you volunteered to “take the blow” for Gaia so that you could deeply understand the low frequency energy patterns that had taken over much of Gaia’s body.
Then, once you took on the wounds of Gaia, when you healed your self, you would simultaneously heal the planet. But what is the healing balm that can repair everything from a single cell to a planet? It is Unconditional Love.
Dear beloved volunteers to Earth, we wish to tell you that your physical year of 2016, is the NOW in which the Unconditional Love that you have so freely shared with Gaia’s planetary, is also be directed into your own physical body.
You are being guided to fully love yourself unconditionally because you are moving into the next octave of your service.
Therefore, you will need to regenerate and heal your earth vessel for your higher octave of your service.
Therefore, we present…….
Unconditional LOVE

7 Minutes * 7 Chakras * 7 Weeks
You will receive a FREE 7-minute meditation download 
every Monday for seven weeks.
You can then allocate 7 minutes each day to listen to the meditation of the week.
   These short meditations, which focus on one chakra per week, will guide you to unconditionally love your self by focusing on the mind, body and spiritual elements of that week’s chakra.
Dear ones, since Unity Consciousness is so vital for personal and planetary ascension, we are sending the same meditation to many different people in myriad different locations on Earth. Because people and planet share the same elements of earth, air, fire, and water, this 7-minute meditation of Unconditional Love for your SELF will automatically be shared with Gaia.
We ask that every day you repeat this 7-minute, weekly meditation,
which focuses on Unconditionally Loving your SELF!  
This process will last for 7 weeks, and you will receive a new,
free meditation download each week on Monday at:
Each week’s meditation will focus on loving your self unconditionally
with each chakra focusing on a certain area of your:
mind/consciousness expansion,
spirit/Multidimensional SELF
It is highly suggested that you repeat that meditation every day of that week.
It is only 7 minutes of Unconditional Love FOR your OWN self-starting with the first chakra
and moving up you body to the seventh chakra.
If you only take 7 minutes a day to remember, ground and expand Unconditional Love FOR our self, you can change your life. Also, as you unconditionally love and heal yourself, you will unconditionally love and heal Gaia because your every thought and emotion
flows into the body of Gaia and throughout your entire planet.
Do you NOW understand how much Power you have?
If you combine yourself with a group with the same intention,
many of whom you don’t know and will never physically meet, you will all form a planetary net of:
Unity Consciousness of Unconditional Love for your SELF
Unconditional LOVE begins with your SELF, for how can you share what you do not possess?
How can we give away what we do not have?
How often have you received “unconditional love?”
Therefore, we will first focus on you loving our self unconditionally-chakra by chakra-which will automatically be shared with Gaia. Beginning with your first chakra, we will focus on one chakra (area of your mind, body and spirit) for one week, and move to the next chakra for the next week.
Remember that we cannot give away what we do not have.
Therefore, to share unconditional love we must first have it for our own self.
After you have repeated the meditation for 6 days, on the 7th day you can say:
“Today I choose to share my Unconditional Love with the core of Gaia
and my highest self to open and expand MY portal of Unconditional Love.”
Every Monday, the FREE 7-minute meditation download for that week will be posted at:
That Monday Blog will also include a study worksheet for the chakra/area of your life for that week.
However, you cannot give away what you do not possess.
We encourage you to share your experience with others to build unity consciousness.
The first meditation will be posted on Monday, January 4, 2016.
We ask that you all unite to make 2016 the YEAR OF LOVE.
Stay tuned as we go through the process 

of loving our selves unconditionally- chakra by chakra.This process is entirely FREE to all participants.


The meditations will be downloaded from this blog,
and all of your wonderful comments about your process will also be shared via this blog.PLEASE JOIN US AS WE

Be sure to invite your friends to join!