Monatsarchive: Januar 2016

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

This morning when I woke up Sheldan was taking dictation from the Galactic Federation for this week’s update. I entered our office with a sad face. Sheldan stopped typing and asked me why the sad face.

“I woke up feeling sad for the world. I feel overwhelmed by the chaos. I guess you could say, I feel a little lost.”


Sheldan smiled and told me that the galactic committee (always comprised of 20 members from varying star nations) is showering you with Love. They want you to know that the delays are over and many of the things you have so steadfastly held in your heart for Gaia are at the ready to unfold. You can turn that frown into a smile because we see that your heart knows the Truth, it is just your doubting mind showing up. They continued to praise me for living with courage and determination to stay aligned with my mission. I walked away feeling optimistic once again.

I’m sharing this because it is a message for all Starseeds. This has not been an easy journey. We have grown a lot and learned more about consciousness and Love. We are about to enter another chapter. IT IS ABOUT TO BE MORE FUN THAN WE CAN IMAGINE!

Let’s come together for Sunday’s webinar and collectively shine so much Love on Gaia and all her people that everyone feels LIGHTER!

Truly, Together we are Victorious!



Why do we watch in joyful fascination when we see them swimming and playing in the sea? Why do they lift our hearts?

Why do we naturally feel such a great love and kinship for whales and dolphins?

Learn the answer to these questions and many others during Sheldan’s live Cetacean Webinar this Sunday and next Thursday. The story is a beautiful one.


Topics include…

• Their origins
• Types of Cetaceans
• How they came to Gaia
• Where else they exist other than Gaia
• Their mission on Earth
• Cetaceans and their connection with humans
• What happens to Cetaceans after the landings

Sunday, January 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST


Thursday, January 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



FKTV.IS – Alexandra Bruce Click Here for Video

t’s been said that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. At the same time, there are more water molecules in just ten drops of water than there are stars.

Ranging from the unimaginably small to the unimaginably big, the scale of the universe is mind-boggling. Watch this and wrap your head around it.

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from John Smallman

You have no need of fear, or of defenses.

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Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you truly reside in every moment of your eternal existence, we watch with joy as you resolve and intend to move ever more fully into your natural state as beings of Love.

It is a state you have never left, and never could leave, but you have – through your choice to experience as real as possible a state of separation from God, and therefore from each other – hidden from yourselves your divine and eternal connection to Source. Consequently you feel alone, small, and insignificant in the vast universe in which it seems humanity’s planet, Earth, although large in relation to each of you, is itself utterly insignificant. A planet that could itself be instantly destroyed by collision with some rogue and wandering celestial body. Your security as humans on the planet truly appears unsustainable due to many factors that are beyond your control and beyond your knowledge.

Often it seems that those who are searching for God, a Prime Source, a Supreme Intelligence, or who believe in one are merely hiding from the truth of your inevitable and eventual death in whatever form it strikes you. It is an issue far too fearful to address consciously – unconsciously it creates great emotional stress and pressure that needs to be relieved – and so you hide from reality by imagining and hoping for a divine deliverance from your eventual and inescapable extinction. Others strive for material wealth and military security for the very same reason – an intense fear of death. That is the game of separation that you chose to build and engage with. And it always ends in death!

So, rejoice that it is unreal. You are God’s beloved children forever completely safe and utterly adored as you rest, apparently asleep and dreaming, in His welcoming and unconditionally accepting Presence. Remember, Love is always unconditional, and God is Love, and so therefore are you. It is the place in which you belong – the field of divine Creation – and from which you will never depart because there is no need for you to do so, and there is nowhere to which you could depart. If that sounds dull and boring that is because you have totally forgotten the joy and ecstasy in which your eternal existence there is constantly enveloped.
That is why we are so joyful as we finally see the signs of your awakening from the nightmare, the illusion in which it seems to you that you have been contained and imprisoned for eons. When you do awaken the nightmare will dissolve, and it will be as though it had never been dreamt. Naturally the memory of it will fade rapidly from your minds because it was unreal, meaningless, and because you have no need to remember the unreal. Fear is unreal, and it too will be gone, never to return.

Ahead of you lies your awakening, and that is a most wonderful prospect. Many of you have indeed been hoping and praying for this for most of your lives, and many of you have been disappointed more than once as the moment of your awakening, as apparently foretold by many channels, seemingly drifted off into the distant future.


This was because of humanity’s collective freewill choice. On a number of occasions when your awakening seemed imminent, those who wished to maintain the crumbling old world order – whose sole purpose is in fact to rebuild, renew, and strengthen it – used their power and influence to intensify fear among you all by causing a variety of catastrophic fear-inducing events that led the collective move back towards fear and away from Love. Fear empowers those with dark intentions because it provides the negative, or, if you prefer, the dark energy on which they feed.

Humanity’s collective energy field is a bit like a see-saw on which negative energy fields and positive energy fields are attempting to outweigh each other. When the illusion was first built the energies were basically in balance so that an interesting game could be played, but over time this changed as your memories of Reality became more deeply buried in your minds, below your level of conscious awareness. Fear arose and the need for defenses against one another seemed to be essential for your continued well-being, and so balance was lost and the dark energies became dominant. This continued for eons, and civilizations and empires arose and were destroyed with monotonous regularity.

Over the eons many have sought God, Source, Supreme Intelligence, and religions have been established with the aim of leading people Home to God. Many wise ones have come among you demonstrating and teaching that the only way homewards is through Love.

However, for a long time that message was thought to be unworkable, and many took sides to support the view of God that appealed most to their cultural or ethnic origins. Wars between different religious persuasions caused immense suffering as the opposing sides convinced themselves that they were doing God’s Will by destroying the enemy, which was, in their painfully benighted opinion what He required them to do.

Finally, in these last few centuries since the start of the industrial revolution, and particularly within the last few decades, humanity has collectively begun to realize that a better way of living together had to be found as conflict and disharmony had shown that the only results that could be counted on from that approach was further suffering. Taking sides just did not work. It took a great shock for a great many people for this to become apparent, and the wars of the twentieth century, reported as they happened by the newly mobile and connected news media, provided that shock or wake-up call.

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Now many realize that Love is the only way to live together in peace and harmony, and the numbers coming to that realization have been growing exponentially, increasing the power of the positive or loving energy fields and unbalancing the energy see-saw, hence the attempts by the dark ones to increase the negative energies by bringing about catastrophic events that terrify people. When people are terrified they have in the past turned to the dark – the military industrial complex and its leaders – for protection.

That is no longer happening. People have wised up, they have realized that they have been used and abused by those who claim to be looking after their best interests. They now understand that Love can resolve the issues that have for eons seemed irreconcilable. In other words the see-saw has swung permanently towards the Light, towards Love because the collective has made the irrevocable choice to awaken; it has made the choice for Love.

The dark will continue trying to distract you for a while with tactics of fear, but the events that they contrive will become increasingly insignificant in their effects. Their energy fields are collapsing in on themselves as the Light of your Love swamps and dissolves the fearful and negative emotions on which they are utterly dependent.

Continue your good and essential work of bearing your Light on high for all to see. I assure you that your Light is seen when you live with Love in your hearts, holding the intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation. You have no need of fear, or of defenses. In your holy innocence, in your loving vulnerability you are invincible. Let go of all your doubts. Deep within you, at the holy altar where the flame of divine Love burns eternally, you absolutely know that you are One with God, inseparable from Him, that untold joy is your destiny, and that your awakening is inevitable because God wills it along with you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Eckhart on Awakening
The Joy of Life
Ode to Joy





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Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

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Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
Die neue soziale Ungleichheit: 62 Superreiche vs. 3,6 Milliarden arme Menschen
Die neue soziale Ungleichheit: 62 Superreiche vs. 3,6 Milliarden arme Menschen

62 : 3,6 MilliardenDie soziale Ungleichheit erreicht einen neuen Höchststand mit dem Ergebnis, dass 62 Superreiche so viel besitzen wie die ärmere Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung. Kann es dafür eine Lösung geben?

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TV-Tipps vom 17.01. – 01.02.2016
TV-Tipps vom 17.01. – 01.02.2016

Liebe Leser, gern informieren wir Euch, wenn wir sehenswerte Beiträge im TV finden, wie diese…

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Freischaltung von normalen Ideen und echten Inspirationen
Freischaltung von normalen Ideen und echten Inspirationen

Fast alle großen Erfindungen sind durch Inspirationen entstanden…Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer normalen Idee und einer echten Inspiration? Und wie gelange ich dazu? Dies beantwortet uns Bio-Physiker & Bestseller-Autor Dieter Broers hier im Beitrag…

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Die Landtagswahlen in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz entscheiden darüber mit, ob TTIP und CETA den Bundesrat passieren können. Mit hunderttausenden Türhängern machen wir gemeinsam die Wahlen zur Volksabstimmung über die Handelsabkommen.
Bitte helfen Sie, die Türhänger zu finanzieren…
Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn,am 13. März wird unter anderem in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz gewählt – und die neuen Landesregierungen entscheiden aller Voraussicht nach im Bundesrat mit, ob TTIP und CETA in Kraft treten können. Beste Chancen also, die Wahlen zur Abstimmung gegen die Handelsabkommen zu machen. Die Sache hat nur einen Haken: Bisher wissen die meisten Wähler/innen nicht, wie die Parteien im Bundesrat über TTIP und CETA abstimmen wollen.

Um das zu ändern, haben wir gemeinsam mit dem BUND folgenden Plan entworfen:In den Tagen vor den Wahlen verteilen engagierte Menschen überall in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz hunderttausende Türhänger an Haus- und Wohnungstüren. Darauf steht Klartext: Warum schaden TTIP und CETA den Menschen im Land? Und welche Parteien wollen den Abkommen die Zustimmung verweigern? So motivieren wir die Menschen zur Wahl zu gehen und gegen die Abkommen zu stimmen.

Unsere Fragen zu ihren Positionen haben wir den Parteien bereits geschickt. Jetzt geht es darum, genügend Türhänger zu drucken, damit die Bürger/innen diese flächendeckend verteilen können. Das kostet eine Menge Geld – und dafür möchte ich Sie heute um Unterstützung bitten: Schon mit 5 Euro können wir 100 Türhänger drucken!
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Mit den Wahlaufrufen gegen TTIP und CETA verändern wir Bürger/innen reale Politik. Wir informieren und klären auf: Welche Partei vertritt welche Position? Wir wissen aus früheren Aktionen bei der Europa- und Hamburgwahl, dass Politiker/innen die Hänger sehr ernst nehmen. Schließlich kann jeder einzelne Türhänger eine oder sogar mehrere Wahlentscheidungen beeinflussen. Anfang März werden tausende Aktive ausschwärmen und die Aufklärungszettel in Dörfern und Städten an die Menschen bringen. Bitte ermöglichen Sie Druck und Versand, damit wir gemeinsam flächendeckend verteilen können:
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Earlier this week, we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday across North America.

As a civil rights activist and humanitarian, Martin Luther King Jr vision and legacy has impacted our world. And there is still so much more work to be done.His wisdom still lights our way and his inquiry guides us,“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,‘What are you doing for others?””
As we get ready to launch UNIFY: The Global Sisterhood in honor of International Women’s Day, we’re reflecting on all the ways we can answer Martin Luther King Jr’s question. UNIFY: The Global Sisterhood will help guide the creation of women’s circles around the globe, feature women-owned businesses both big and small, and highlight some amazing nonprofit work that is helping to support women and girls in need around the world. We’ll be formally launching it soon- but if you’re interested in learning more, send us an email by clicking here.At UNIFY, we know that doing good things for others does not need to be difficult or complicated. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and our shared desire to more good in the world, here are 5 simple and free things you can do right now to make our world a better place.

  1. Volunteer. Your community needs your skills, time, and talent- volunteer with a nonprofit organization and help make the world a better place.
  2. Do a random act of kindness. Pay for the next person’s coffee, help someone carry their grocery bags to their car, give a flower to someone unexpectedly. Spread a little kindness in your day.
  3. Leave a post-it note affirmation on a mirror for someone to find.Reading “You are beautiful” can help brighten someone else’s day.
  4. Forgive someone in your life. Forgiveness is an essential part of creating peace in our world, both inside and out.
  5. Acknowledge someone who might often be overlooked. Give a special thanks to the cashier, the parking lot attendant, the firemen or police officers. Appreciation feels good.

We look forward to making the world a better place, together.

Jess and your UNIFY Team

UNIFY’s mission is to galvanize the peace movement through global synchronized meditation and social action events.Want to learn more? Click here.
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Jeff Berwick interviews unschooling powerhouse Dayna Martin, topics include: how anarchism has benefited her life, the upcoming Anarchapulco conference, the consciousness raising experience of Anarchapulco, authenticity and real-ness, the benefits of unschooling, non-controlled children and freedom, her family is a living example of free and non-violent parenting, unparenting is not unschooling! rules are a replacement for being there, rules prevent self responsibility in the children, encouraging your child’s natural passions, unschooling is encouraging people to have children again, healing from normal parenting and education, learning from your children, parenting is meant to be joyful, this philosophy is changing the world!


An Evening in Vancouver with Eckhart Tolle
When: April 16, 2016, 7:30PM
Location: Vancouver, BC
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Theater

About: Join us for this unique opportunity to sit with Eckhart as he discusses spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness. With his hallmark warmth, humour and compassion, this evening will connect you with the peace and serenity that arises from living in the moment.

For Registration and More Information click here.

Presence Through Movement Retreat with Kim Eng
When: May 19 – May 22, 2016
Location: Cortes Island, British Columbia
Venue: Hollyhock

About: Experience the joy of being — a state of vibrant aliveness and inner peace — realized through inner alignment with the present moment. This unique program shares the practice of Qi Flow Yoga as a means to the transformation of consciousness through the integration of body, mind and spirit.

For Registration and More Information click here.

An Evening with Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle
When: February 27, 2016, 7:00PM
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Venue: The Shrine Auditorium

About: Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra come together at the famous Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles to share their insight and wisdom, and discuss some of life’s biggest questions. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness these two spiritual masters in discussion around higher consciousness, the power of presence, and the awakening of humanity.

For Registration and More Information click here. 

Living a Life of Presence Conference
When: September 29 – October 2, 2016
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Venue: Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach
Resort and Spa

About: You are warmly invited to accompany Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng in “awakening in action” for four transformative days in a community of presence including Marianne Williamson, Jack Kornfield, Daniel Siegel, MD, and Brother David Steindl-Rast.

For Registration and More Information click here. 


All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished.

01/19/2016 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for TuesdayJanaury 19th

Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close.  So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.

The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity.  And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites.  Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing.  The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view.  As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.

The times of depravation are finished as the nightmares they spawned dissolve in the Light that so many are now shining into the darkest of places.  Every human is, at the deep and eternal center of their being, a being of Light, of Love, regardless of the mask or unreal front they present to the world by means of their human nature, their egoic nature, the personality they display to the illusory world in which they are engaged as players in an unfolding drama of separation.

That drama is just that, a drama, a spectacle of unreal events and relationships, whose sole purpose is to distract from Reality, your Oneness with our divine Creator.  In the drama it seems that a few of you are powerful independent beings attempting destroy each other as you struggle to build an impregnable power base from which to rule that illusory world.  And, as your history shows all too clearly, those power bases always collapse under the burden of betrayal and dishonesty that is intended to support them.

Love is eternal, anything that is not in total harmony and alignment with Love is illusory and cannot last.  Humanity has at last collectively realized this, and as a direct result of this realization you are, collectively, choosing to engage with Love and by so doing changing the world.  Peace to engage with your individual creative abilities and thus bring yourselves truly to life is what the vast majority want.  They are tired of being enslaved by debt with the resultant need to work for someone else in order to earn a living to support their families and pay off those debts.

All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished, and if it was only a very small minority of shamefully wealthy ones would lose out – that is lose out as understood by the present global economic system – but only by an insignificant amount.  They would remain very wealthy and would lack for nothing.  All that they would actually lose would be their status as powerful, influential, and prestigious individuals to whom all others were encouraged to kowtow.  The very aspects of their nature that they value most highly and which have always bred corruption and deceit leading consistently to conflict, war, and suffering for humanity at large.

There are now many bright, intelligent, and influential people in the world whoknow this, and who are using their skills to bring about worldwide debt forgiveness.  People who realize that the only halcyon way forward for humanity is through harmonious and tenderhearted cooperation.  Presently the possibility of such a major change to global economics is not widely discussed even in the alternate news media, but it will occur as part of humanity’s ongoing awakening process.

The old order, which has for eons striven to contain and restrain humanity by enslaving it in debt, is collapsing.  Its last dying efforts to hold on to power will not be successful.  Its time is past.  Signs of its imminent death are evident in the ongoing virulent international disagreementsabout resolving the presently overwhelming global problems apparently facing the world – of conflict, economic disparity, and poverty, and of dealing with the masses of refugees fleeing the areas where these inhumane and unacceptable living conditions prevail.

All these problems can and will be resolved because the will to do so has been collectively established.  Humanity is extremely fatigued and is no longer prepared to put up with the degrading and inhuman ways in which a small minority of arrogant bullies has been treating the good, ordinary, and hard-working citizens of Planet Earth.

The New Age has arrived, and uplifting evidence of this is appearing in many places, as Light workers and Light bearers continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment.  When you hold this intent your individual energy fields expand enormously and the effect is felt worldwide.  You are changing the world simply by changing yourselves as you release grievances and engage with acceptance and forgiveness of one another through the Power of Love that is your eternal nature.

Your eternal nature is changeless because it is perfect, created perfect by God.  Within the illusion you have all played games of power and betrayal, and the remnants of the attitudes you embraced while playing those games are now coming up for recognition and release.  Many of you are finding this painful because you had buried aspects of yourselves that you despised deep within your subconscious, and these shadow aspects do not sit well with your loving intentions.  It can indeed be shocking to find unexpected emotions of bitterness, hatred, and resentment coming to the surface of your awareness.

The illusion is an arena of duality – good versus evil – and so it seems that you all have a good side and a bad side.  In fact, to play the game of separation, you just split yourselves into two and engaged with the self that was most appropriate for the part you were playing.  However, neither of these sides are as they appear – complete and independent – they are each essential parts of the other, and for separation and the illusion to dissolve these two parts have to be reintegrated.

What you are doing, as you keep making and holding the intent to be loving in every moment, is allowing yourselves to see and acknowledge these two sides of your nature without judgment so that they may cease fighting each other and come together in perfect harmony making you One once more.  Do not be alarmed by your feelings and emotions however strange, unsettling, or frightening they may seem.  Just let them flow through your minds as you observe them without acting on them or engaging with them.  They are unreal, although you can and have made them seem very real by identifying with them.  They are not you.  As you just watch them flow you can see this, and you will find great peace in not engaging or identifying with them.  Instead you will once more see who you truly are, an unchangeable divine being at one with Source.

With so very much love, Saul.