Yesterday’s message from Hilarion resonated with me in a big way.
I found myself riding high in November and December. I was focused on lovingly dissolving the old paradigm while anchoring in our new reality with grace. The energies were high and I reveled in the myriad of possibilities for our new galactic society unfolding before our very eyes.
Then came January. Wow! Physically the past couple weeks have been difficult for both Sheldan and me. Sometimes when we are challenged physically it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude. I found myself frustrated. Then I found myself berating myself for being frustrated. I know many of you can identify with this syndrome. Thank goodness for Matt Kahn’s book, Whatever Arises, Love That. The wisdom in this book is awe-inspiring and is helping me navigate the new energies.
This morning I went for a walk and hugged my favorite tree. My heart opened and the message I received was realign ~~ FOCUS, BELIEVE, TRUST. We all know this Truth and sometimes we need to be reminded. When I read Hilarion’s message, I cried for the message was the same I just received while hugging my favorite tree.
“You must continue to encourage people to focus their loving thoughts, to focus their thoughts of Light upon the world, each and every day, this must be done. The world must be consistently bombarded with love! People must not grow faint hearted believing that it is not working; people must acknowledge, must see that such forces will need to build slowly over time, that such forces need to be consistently applied, if they are to have effect; that such forces must come from a united and focused legion of people who believe, trust and know the truth.” Hilarion
Hilarion goes on to remind us to focus our energy together in earnest. This is what we collectively do during PAO’s monthly webinars. We come together, each adding our unique vibration to the web of Light we create during the webinars. We shower the planet with our our shared vision and Love. Join us, truly, Together we are Victorious.
Below is another positive message from Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self. Enjoy.
Selamat Ja!
They are in touch with their divine selves, and communicate with the Spiritual Hierarchies and the Galactic Federation of Light.
In this Webinar, you will learn where they come from and their special purpose for inhabiting Gaia.
Topics include…
• Their origins
• Types of Cetaceans
• How they came to Gaia
• Where else they exist other than Gaia
• Their mission on Earth
• Cetaceans and their connection with humans
• What happens to Cetaceans after the landings
Sunday, January 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, January 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited… Register Now!
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Events are moving on very quickly and pressure is being put on those who are expected to announce Disclosure, to go ahead without delay. President Putin is the one who is applying the pressure and is currently leading the action to get results as soon as possible. Meanwhile the Earth is now operating within an energy shield that is maintaining protection against outside interference. You may be assured that your future is in the hands of those who wield immense power for the success of the Light. The dark Ones are naturally aware that they are powerless to achieve their aims to bring about another World War. So you may go about your day knowing that the future of the Earth and Humanity is in safe hands. Powerful Light forces await their call to bring about a greater awareness, and lead you to an understanding of your true history. One revelation that will bring you great relief concerns the latent power of each Being of Light. You have been led to believe that you are powerless, when in fact your potential is unlimited. With it comes the responsibility to use it wisely, and as time progresses you will receive ample guidance and instructions in this respect.
Absolutely nothing can stop your rapid advancement to becoming a full Galactic Being, except yourself. The Light Forces have been working towards this period of achievement for a long time, yet a successful outcome has been reliant upon your progress and ability to incorporate the Light within you. Once you have reached a certain stage you will be assured of total success, and as a collective of Beings of Light you will rise up and leave the lower vibrations behind. It cannot be any other way as the Law of Attraction will bring about your Ascension. Naturally in the interim period you will go through stages of upliftment that will ultimately lead to full consciousness. At present you are just beginning to awaken to your true potential and you will get every help to make your path as easy as possible.
If you have ever doubted that you are to be successful in the face of many attempts by the dark Ones to prevent your Ascension, know that God has ordained that it shall come to pass. When powerful Light forces are aligned against the opposition, you may be sure that the result cannot be any other way than what is intended by the higher forces. Regardless of what is happening around you, you can go about your work with absolute confidence of success.
Lightworkers are being called upon to help their fellow travellers, because as the changes commence many souls will become confused as to what is taking place. The most important aspect is to make it clear that the outcome will lead every soul to its highest point of progress, and no one will be denied their rightful place. You will be exactly where you have earnt the right to be, and clearly all souls will find themselves at ease and relaxed in the appropriate vibrations. You will know in advance where you are heading and given a full explanation as to how you have achieved it. At all times loving Beings of Light will accompany you so that you will not need to be fearful of the future.
Life on Earth has been so far removed from the truth that you will be both delighted and amazed to find out your real potential as Galactic Beings. You are leaving a dream world behind that has been a nightmare when compared with what you will come to experience as you rise up out of the lower vibrations. It has been likened to Hell on Earth brought about by the dark Ones who have held you in captivity without your knowledge. Those days are coming to a close as the Light transmutes the negative vibrations that are disappearing with increasing rapidity, and will continue to do so until they are finally left behind.
You who are reading this message are the Ones who can help to ease the concerns of people around you who will be frightened by what is to them the “unknown” in their future. Some will be equally worried by the truth as it will take them out of their comfort zone, particularly when they realise that so much that is familiar is changing around them. Initially there will seem to be much chaos, but out of it will come positive signs that better days are ahead. The old must make way for the new but be assured that will not take as long as you might anticipate. Already the planned changes are beginning to occur and they affect all forms of life. In nature some of the changes are already being noted as the animal kingdom adapts to them. Some species will disappear completely and that is not unusual through the course of a cycle.
Each of you have had many lives on Earth and you will all have benefitted from them. Those of you who have learnt the lessons of the 3rd dimension, will most likely have an inner feeling that you are to ascend. Either way you will find yourself exactly where you are meant to be to continue your evolution. Ultimately all souls will rise up. You have as much time as you like to evolve and as you are assisted all along the way, each life will be planned with your evolution in mind. Your Guides ensure that as far as possible you keep to your life plan, but you still have freewill to follow another path or make changes to it if you so desire.
You are beginning to understand that there is more life in your Universe than was originally thought possible. That is partly because the Earth was protected from visitors who might otherwise have interfered with your evolution. ET visitors were invited by the Illuminati as part of an agreement that allowed them to have bases on Earth, in exchange for advanced technology. Since those early days some 70 years ago as you might expect, the Illuminati have almost certainly advanced beyond your likely expectations and are many years ahead of your present knowledge. However, it will not enable them to achieve what they envisaged, as their ability to do as they like is no longer an option, as has already been explained.
From week to week many things are happening all over the world, and the Light workers are busy helping out. The dark Ones are manipulating the economy to bring out desired results that are not always in your best interests. It will not however benefit those involved as the future is not in their hands, as Higher Beings have it in their complete control. After those who have tried to take over the world are removed, rapid progress will be made that benefits everyone. In a relatively short time you will be given the benefit of new technologies that have been concealed from you for a very long time. The days of the dark Ones are numbered and their activities are under the control of Beings of Light.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
Mike Quinsey.
