Climate Change, ISIS, Mass Species Extinction, Population Growth….Crises Calling for a Planetary Awakening?
Tuesday December 8, 5pm Pacific
“As the symptoms of a multi-faceted global crisis continue to mount, it is clear that the standard tools of the Western Enlightenment – rationality, science, liberalism – are by themselves insufficient to meet the challenges we face. It is only through a radical re-awakening of the modern mind and heart to the sacred dimensions of nature and cosmos that a truly effective way forward will be found.”
Join me in dialogue with Philip Hellmich, Director of Peace at the Shift Network, for a provocative discussion about how our multidimensional global crisis can serve as a catalyst for the emergence of a true planetary wisdom culture. I will also introduce details about my upcoming Subtle Activist Training, which offers a way for participants to co-create a potent field of group synergy as a vehicle for profound individual and collective transformation.
Blessings of Peace,
David, for the Gaiafield Council