Thank You!

Peace Prayer Wave
swept through every time zone around the world
to envelope the globe in love and prayers.
Hundreds of participants from every continent joined
as one heart and mind to send a wave of peace to
the people and regions of the earth where peace
is needed now.
Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Columbia Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela and Virgin Islands.
We thank our global communities who joined us in
Peace Prayer Wave
Sharing Prayers received from around the world
In all the places and all the spaces in between, may the ice of fear in people’s hearts melt and allow love to flow freely like the rays of sunshine that light world without discrimination – and so may it be.
Peace is always an option, it is always very near, often only a smile away. Peace stands on love, forgiveness, truth and acceptance. I pray that a transformation may take place in every heart. We are one.
May the Light of Love be ignited and burn brightly in our hearts to transform the darkness that is trying to overcome the world. May we unify in this beneficial energy and let it shine brightly wherever it’s needed.
Focusing on what unite us all! All differences are only illusions… in the core of it we are ONE! Intense trust in the possible, acknowledging our peaceful and merciful power! We do choose! We can choose different! Peace Prevails on Earth! And it start within (the collective) ME!
Our united energy may dissolve all the accumulated fear, hatred and anger. No need to victimize ourselves with our negative power any more. Let’s heal ourselves of all religions, beliefs and philosophies.
Blessings love and peace – may god bless all nations and open the eye of blind people causing hurt on the planet may light of god come and clear the darkness from heart of people including politicians to end this war and bring peace to all the world and justice. Dear father and mother bless our planet and bring peace clean the hearts of people and bring light to darkness . Amen…
Let Wisdom prevail for the safety, security, happiness and peace for all on the globe.
May the Divine Spirit of Peace find a welcome in your hearts and in the hearts of all those involved in terrorist activities. Amen. and so be it.
May peace, love, happiness and compassion be in every heart of every living being on Earth. May all beings be peaceful happy and compassionate in the UK and in Europe; in Africa and the Middle East; in Asia and the Pacific, in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. May all human actions and interactions be guided by love, compassion, kindness and peace and so it is.
My heart is open and sending love and light around the world today. As we collectively use our focus of attention on creating an enormous surge of Global Love, and holding and noticing how fantastic it feels; knowing we together support one another and ourselves as we particpate and create universal harmony. Together we are strong and resilient.
May Peace Prevail On Earth

We invite you to continue sending your prayers for peace at noon daily to build on the energy field we have created in unison for peace to prevail on earth.