Monatsarchive: September 2015

BTP Portugal
BTP Long Island NY

BTP Nairobi
Dear BeThePeace Family,
We are almost a week away from World Peace Weekend!  To celebrate, we have a gift for you all!  Check out our newInspirational Booklet!

How are your events coming along? We are here to support.  UNIFY put together this wonderful support toolkit for organizers.  The private Facebook Group is another great resource.

Please feel free to post your events on ourFacebook Page and help us spread the word by inviting your friends to our global World Peace Weekend Facebook Event.
As a reminder, here is the overview of World Peace Weekend, September 19-21, 2015:
Global Synchronized Meditation:Saturday, September 19th, at 5pm PST/ Sunday 12 midnight GMT.
This will include:

  • Video Broadcast: 4-5pm PDT / 11pm-12am GMT
  • Live Teleconference: 5-6pm PDT / 12-1am GMT.

Inner Peace Wave: A rolling wave of Peace Meditations, Prayers and Events at 12noon in your local time on Sunday, September 20th.

Take it into Action on Monday, Sept 21, International Day of Peace!
We invite everyone to take all the inspiration, connections, and energy generated over the weekend and put that into action in your lives. You could create a silent disco party in your community or forgive someone in your life. What does it mean to be the peace at work, with your lover, and in your family?
Today is also the start of the Compassion Games.  We invite you all to play as a wonderful way to spread compassion, kindness, and joy building up to your events!Hugs to you all!
The BeThePeace Team

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GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart…

This UFO footage over South Bay, CA is amazing. Sheldan identified the craft as Andromedan. Their speciality is science. I would love to video a craft during the day like this lady did…better yet, I would love to be beamed on board! lol

The second video is Dr. Steven Greer outlining disclosure in credible, easy to understand terms. He unravels the UFO deception. Excellent. This is a good one to share with friends who are on the fence about believing in UFO’s.

Selamat Ja!


MAJOR UFO Sightings

OVER A HUNDRED WITNESS FLYING SAUCER in South Bay CA. The Stevens family shares UFO video and photos of an Incredible Flying Saucer! Notice The Speed Of the Craft! Enhanced Footage and Interview with Eyewitness! Epic VIDEO!

Published on Sep 8, 2015

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Unraveling the Deception

Published on May 4, 2015

One of the most impressive UFO videos you have ever seen! Captured by the military at the Nellis Air Force Base. Dr. Steven Greer unravels the ufo deception.

If interested, sign the Petition for full government disclosure ~ click Here

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Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

join email list
©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


Be Aware of Opinions
You Are a Channel For Consciousness

Back To The Future – Creating Multidimensional Thought-forms and Energy Fields for Gaia’s Ascension

thru Zusanne Lie

Mytre, the Pleiadian

Dear volunteers to take an earth vessel, we want you to know that we, your galactic and celestial family, are here. We are here on Earth, but we resonate to a slightly higher frequency pattern than humanity. This frequency pattern serves as a camouflage so that we can walk freely through your habitat zone without being seen.

However, if you expand your innate multidimensional consciousness into the resonance of the fifth dimension, you can close your physical eyes and look through your Third Eye. When you “look” through your Third Eye, you will have an awareness of our presence.

In other words, those who can expand their consciousness, and hence their perceptions, into the frequency of the fifth dimension can perceive our presence. At first you will only perceive us as wavering energy fields because it will take a bit of your “time” to remember how to accept the fifth dimension into your perceptual field.

This process of consciously perceiving the fifth dimension will begin by honing your ability to consciously perceive multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields. Multidimensional thought-forms (an individual creation) and multidimensional energy fields (a collective creation) are initiated on the third dimension and quickly expand into the higher dimensions.

You will first perceive these thought-forms and energy fields in the etheric plane, which is the first resonance beyond the physical plane. These multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields originate in the physical realm and expand into the higher dimensions.

Multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields are based on unselfish, higher frequency thoughts about the collective transmutation of Gaia and Her inhabitants. When the important ingredient of unconditional love is added to a pinch of violet fire, a multidimensional thought-form and/or energy field is created.

When you create a multidimensional thought-form or energy field, you actually create a portal that originates in the third dimension and expands into the higher dimensions. This portal serves as a pathway Home to the higher dimensional reality of your choice.

But remember, if your thought-form or energy wave is for your personal gain, it will only resonate to the third/fourth dimension. To make sure your thought/form is multidimensional, please remember to include Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.

These inhabitants also include the dark ones who have appeared to make your life too difficult. However, YOU are the creator of your life. You wrote into your pre-birth contract any engagement with the darkness that was necessary for you to fully transmute your entire cycle of incarnations on Gaia’s Earth.

You came to Gaia within this NOW to transmute any residue of darkness from your myriad Earthly incarnations. Most important, you are transmuting that residue, not for your personal self, but for the planet.

When you choose to serve your planet in this manner, your consciousness expands from personal consciousness to planetary consciousness. This point is vital for you to understand because if you have the selfish goal of “getting off this planet,” you will not expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension.

Most important, you will not be of assistance to planetary ascension if you are creating a selfish thought-form, which can only resonate to the mid-fourth dimension. Throughout your present incarnation, you have been clearing your personal energy field by mastering your lessons of “cause and effect.”

The law of cause and effect is “Energy out is ALWAYS energy back.” Simply, that law states that which you send into your reality will return to you. If you have a lower frequency of consciousness, it will take more “time” for what you send out to return.

It is for this reason that the power-over ones have not had their energy fields return to them yet. However, the lost ones cannot expand their consciousness, even into the fourth dimension, for the effects of their causes are awaiting them in that frequency of reality.

Those of you who have achieved a degree of mastery of the Law of Cause and Effect, are beginning to have experiences of the fifth dimensional return/effect from your multidimensional causes. In other words, you are remembering how to create multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields.

When you were first learning to be the creator of your reality, you unconsciously sent out fear-based thought-forms, such as “I don’t have enough.” Then, “not enough” would return to you. Fortunately, over your “time” you realized your mistake and began to listen to your thoughts before you sent them out into your world.

You have learned that if you sent out “thanksgiving for what you already have,” you can release all fear of loss and create abundance by being thankful for what you have. In that manner, you have gained this degree of mastery of one of Gaia’s primary operational constructs of energy out equals energy back.

Therefore, you have moved into the realization that your every thought and emotion join into powerful thought-forms to create the matrix on which your present personal or collective incarnation is based.

Fortunately, your growing mastery of cause and effect has taught you that when you put out positive thought-forms and energy fields, they will return to you. It is through the practice of this law of “if you want something—give it to another,” your life begins its transmutation into higher and higher states of consciousness.

As you move into higher consciousness, you will begin to perceive higher frequencies of reality. Through these higher dimensional perceptions, you remember more and more about your higher dimensional SELF. These perceptions will likely be captured with your opened Third and/or High Heart.

You will use your Third Eye and High Heart, because your physical eyes are not calibrated to recognize this frequency of reality as “real.” Your physical brain is calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension as “just your imagination.” But remember, your “imagination” is your fifth-dimensional thought.

We (myself Mytre and the Arcturian), stand before you in our fifth dimensional Lightbody. That is, I am in my fifth dimensional Lightbody, but the Arcturian remains in a formless shape that wavers up and down the frequency scale of reality.

The Arcturian is shifting frequencies to remind you that we, you, and all life is multidimensional. Also, the Arcturians seldom lower their energy package below the tenth dimension. Soon, you—the members of our away team—will seldom lower your frequency below your Lightbody.

Of course, “soon” is a third dimensional, time-bound word. Hence, it has no meaning in the realms of the NOW. We ask you to meditate for a moment, to expand your consciousness beyond time. Yes, it is quite simple for you now. Your challenge has shifted to remaining within the constrictions of time.

This challenge will soon relate to all of our volunteers, as your NOW to return to your SELF is approaching. However, we cannot give you a “time” because the shift is not about time, it is about frequency.

When you fully remember and gain a degree of mastery of your multidimensional consciousness, you will be able to be within time, as well as in the NOW. However, then you will appear to the time-bound ones in the same manner as we appear to you—as wavering forms of light.

As you begin to experience fifth dimensional transmissions while you are also engaged in your habitual 3D/4D consciousness, you will have brief experiences of “blinking out” of whatever 3D experience you were having.

Since your physical brain is unable to adhere to that higher frequency of information, you will need to remember to store your higher communications in your Multidimensional Mind before you fully return to your 3D reality.

Your Multidimensional Mind is able to experience both the physical and the higher dimensional realities within the same NOW. Likely, it will take some “practice”, as well as a conscious connection with your Higher Self to integrate your fifth dimensional experiences into your physical life.

It is at this point of multidimensional integration that your process of creating and/or reading multidimensional thought-forms will be so very helpful. These multidimensional thought-forms are actually portals that can guide your consciousness along a “sequential path” in which you can slowly adapt to each frequency of reality before you move on to the next.

You have all had fourth dimensional experiences via your dreams, which speak a “symbolic” language that can be difficult to understand. A multidimensional thought-form is a pure energy field that you may or may not be conscious of experiencing.

That is, your third dimensional self may NOT be conscious of that experience, but your fourth and fifth dimensional self will be. You physical self may experience a “glitch in time,” “spacing out,” and/or moments of forgetfulness.

However, that is actually a moment of remembering the Multidimensional YOU that was forgotten in the rush of daily life. Therefore, we recommend that you begin each day by allowing yourself to re-connect with your Multidimensional SELF.

We recommend that you find a time, even if it is not at the top of the day, in which you can take at least 15 minutes to tune into your SELF. If you can establish a ritual, such as:

– Go to the same place at the same time

– Bring some means by which you can write your experience

– If you enjoy music, play some soft music

– Read something spiritual for a moment to “shake off the 3D”

– Close your eyes and reflect on what you have read

– With your hands on the keyboard, or your pen in hand on the paper,
relax and breathe into a higher/relaxed state of consciousness

– To get started, you can always write something like:
“Dear ONE, (Higher SELF etc.) Do you have a message for me NOW?

– Relax and release all expectation or thinking

– Allow the pen to write, or your hands to move on the keyboard

If you stay with that simple plan, you will gradually build a personal relationship with your Higher SELF. It is helpful to do this exercise at the same time and same place every time.

If you can maintain this commitment every day for 21 days, you will create a “habit.” Then, if you skip a day you will “miss that time with your SELF.” You will also realize the importance of keeping your promise with your SELF.

If you cannot have this meeting every day, then try to be consistent with the days that you choose so that you can “keep your agreement to meet with your SELF.” Remember YOU are important, and Gaia needs YOU!

Once you remember how to communicate with your Multidimensional SELF, your “channel”— meaning the frequency field of your energy package—will be open to all the myriad Galactics, Celestials and Ascended Masters that are NOW ready to communicate with YOU!

Blessings, dear ONES who took an earth vessel to assist Gaia.
We thank you for your service and commend you for your courage.

Mytre, The Pleiadian

Want to learn more about Mytre the Pleiadian (Commander in the Ashtar Command)? Check out the message he shared with me before I wrote the Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension book series. I also encourage you to check out A New Home (Book 1 in the series) which introduces Mytre and Mytria as Divine Complements from the Pleiades who are one of the higher expressions of Suzille (Suzanne.)

Please join us in our
4 For Gaia Webinar Series

Register to Join Us!
11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. PACIFIC

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Eckhart Tolle´s book, Guardians of Being, is a collaboration with Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the acclaimed comic strip MUTTS. To Patrick, his cartoons are like little prayers or sutras. This cartoon explores how we can live in the now, with a little help from our friends.


Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

You are on the verge of meeting your Spiritual, inner Earth and Galactic families. This is a time when you are to accelerate an evolutionary essence that you have not felt for many millennia!

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

4 Batz, 4 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Jarin! The world continues to slowly change. This transformation is destined to remove the last vestiges of the dark cabal from your life. During this millennium, the dark rose to a high point with the advent of 9/11 and has since faded ever so slowly. Our allies are bravely encountering this vile slime and are forcing it to retreat. We are most grateful for their dedication to the cause of freedom and for their diligence in legally creating the means for our joint success. The ancient families likewise applaud their mighty efforts. A number of agreements were signed and then used by our brave associates to push these heinous villains back toward the oblivion they truly deserve! These malcontents have illogically divested themselves of the amount of precious metals required to fend us off and have devoted their strategies to somehow starting some type of a global conflagration. The same can be said for how they counted on a series of illegal financial activities to somehow circumvent our efforts. All of these worthless shenanigans have brought us to the very brink of success. Their continued failures are the reason for their inevitable demise.

Your world is quickly transforming. The past decade is one in which Heaven and its many medical helpers came from afar to assist you to a new reality. While this transformation is happening, Gaia has been preparing as well a massive series of alterations to her surface realm. Originally, Gaia had three major continents above her oceans. Each was queen of one of her oceans. There was Mu in the Pacific, Atlantis in the Atlantic and Greater Sri Langka in the Indian. All three of these continents sank between the start of the last great Earth year and about 13 millennia ago. These great tragedies are a hidden memory. They are to be found in the legends and myths that dot your history. Each is a great thought that everyone on your world distantly remembers. Those who now study the world’s oceans note only that the remnants of these are rising. Many can therefore say that the re-emergence of these ancient lands is not far off. As we study your history and get accounts from the Agarthans, it seems that this set of events is a major part of what Gaia is presently planning.


We tend to look at this entire process in terms of when our landing is possible. At present, a number of events are forming, which promise possibilities that can help us determine a possible date for this. First, you need to be in a position where your rise in consciousness can allow you to accept our arrival. This scenario is, of course, tied to the formal proclamation of new governance, especially for the U.S. The present de facto regime is deeply opposed to our arrival and an end to a decades-long UFO cover up. The coming downfall of this illegal regime can permit a deep set of truths to finally sink in. These truths are: we are benevolent, we are real, and we fully intend to help you return to full consciousness. Until the degree of this hostility is removed, the present status cannot change. We have made a series of agreements with our Earth allies who understand these truths and sincerely wish to bring on a new and very humanitarian reality. These Light-oriented Beings have the wealth and resources to magnificently remake your surface world. This present dream is very close to becoming a reality!

As you can see, Heaven and her allies are busily readying this reality for a massive change. Every day, we monitor how your beautiful blue orb is changing. As you observe how nature is reacting to the dire plans of the dark, you as well see that many on your world are creating a plan to overwhelm the dark and correct what it wishes to accomplish. Your future is meant to be one in which this realm passes quickly from its present unhealthy form to a much different one. This realm is one where the de facto US government resigns and NESARA is declared. We have had negotiations with many who are working toward this most noble end. All of these talks have had but one basic goal. This is how together we can forge a wealthy, free and prosperous new world. Then, your natural rights are to be dominant and government is designed to be “of, for and by” the people. In this light, you can easily transition with our and Heaven’s help into a world filled with fully conscious Beings. It is this golden realm that is to reunite you with all of galactic humanity.


Blessings, We are your Ascended Masters! This world is transforming according to the desires of our Mother, Gaia. She is guiding a transformation that is to see your spiritual index climb to new heights. As you grow in consciousness, you become more aware of how this globe’s energies are growing more and more dense. By this, we mean that you are becoming more able to see in your mind’s eye how this reality is changing. This growth has mirrored your awareness of ecology and the need to provide the elements of clean air, water and land. Technologies long suppressed can swiftly move toward success. The vital element is the grand spiritual power that you possess. As we learn to think positively in a collective manner and acquire the means to put aside old learned prejudices, we prepare ourselves for a time when our abilities for positive social actions can bring us together in harmony. That is our goal, so we can truly aid Gaia in her coming changes.

This need to change is in the air. Long ago, Heaven asked us all to ready surface humanity for what is presently happening. You are feeling the modifications to your body and mind, which are the start of your return to full consciousness. This grand process has been written about for the last few decades. Now, you are in the midst of these numerous divine changes. One of the things we do daily is to help calm down some of the changes, which can alter your daily rhythms that keep you balanced. This is done to assist the Galactic Federation medical teams and to prepare you for what is next needed as you propel yourselves toward your divine goals of health, wealth and freedom. We provide necessary guidance and enable you to regain vestiges of the freedom and Will you lost during the fall in ancient Atlantis.


How we spiritually advise you is changing just as your level of global awareness is changing. All of this is part and parcel of a major set of perceptions that is altering how you view this world. In short, this global society needs to re-vision how it acts, what it believes and most importantly, how we view each other. These major shifts are a result of all the physical and mental changes you are presently going through. Our position is to convey to you how Spirit, in its broadest essence, sees it. Old ways are dying and new ones are being born. In this milieu, you need to better understand what all of this means and set up the start of a new, more inclusive way to see the true “flow” of this ever-changing world. We Masters see our role in a new way and wish to impart this to you. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, as always, we have given you our message. It is one of how this globe is changing and changing for the better! You are on the verge of meeting your Spiritual, inner Earth and Galactic families. This is a time when you are to accelerate an evolutionary essence that you have not felt for many millennia! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from PAO & Galactic Federation


Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

join email list
©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

September 6-13, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you. There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process. Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self. The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Loving others is an integral part of your spiritual being. Sometimes, your words and actions may seem to you to be rather extreme, but then you are surprised by the positive effect that these produce in others. This is you speaking your truth, without heat, in total detachment, and you are being heard. For some of you, this is a new experience, being heard and seen by those who surround you in the physical realm. This is a direct result of you giving love and kindness toyourself, knowing that you are worth it. When one loves self in a non-egotistical way, only good can come of it. By balancing the energies of duality in all facets of your inner and outer being, you are creating a new you. By embracing the light and the dark aspects that comprise the spiritual being that you are and coming into balanced acceptance of it, you are achieving mastership of the lower dimensions and moving into the next phase of growth on your spiritual evolutionary journey back to oneness with Source.

There is an element of the miraculous in the energies that enfold you now. Each moment is alive with infinite possibilities as you expand the magic that is within you. You are reaching inward to enter new realms of joyful creation and are filled with the anticipation of victorious achievement. There is a sense that something wonderful and totally unexpected is about to happen. As you go within daily, give thanks and acknowledgement for the countless miracles and blessings that now manifest in your life. As you listen to the promptings of your physical body and your higher guidance and allow the deep rest and relaxation to take place as needed, healing within is achieved and this gives you renewal and strength in the manifestation process of your deepest dreams. The higher aspects of your being bring forth the wisdom of your soul and you view the world from a higher perspective.

There is an ongoing shift into higher frequencies taking place within you and while this is occurring, new levels of perception are gained and this will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the current situations manifesting in your life and you will be better able and equipped to deal with them. There is a coming together of all aspects of your being and this will eventually assist you in your return to the oneness of Source. You have been learning that in order to create, one needs to be involved in the experience in a personal way. You rise above the mundane realities of your daily life and see what is required of you to overcome them. You now use the energies that flow through you as an authentic expression of your soul. You are finding the joy in this process of surrender to the higher workings of your life purpose and realize that your soul and higher self truly do have your greatest blessing and well being at heart.

As you move in the direction of the great potential that lives within you, you gain awareness of the way to allow this process to unfold. You know you cannot remain in the place of comfortable sameness any longer and that you must allow the inner growth you have experienced to expand outwardly into all facets of your life. All that was is now being changed and transformed on your life path. Be at peace with this process, for it is part of your divine plan and an outward reflection of the inner commitment to the growth of self that you have consciously chosen.  Stand in your truth of this perspective and move forward into the new direction towards the achievement of your highest potentials.  You have all that you need ever available within you. You have all the wisdom of the ages within you which your soul has gathered and learned throughout its many experiences on Earth and in the cosmos. Continue to steadfastly follow your own star as it shines ever more brightly upon this planet! 

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Note from Arya: If you watch this video it´s good to remember that you can create your own prefered reality even in the midst of difficult situations around the world. Don´t focus on fear and worry, focus on what you want to create. Stay in the NOW as good as you can and be aware of your thoughts and feelings, to be able to shift them, if they are running in an unwanted direction. Yess, you can 🙂