Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
Rejoice and come together in a great vision, which adds your power to that of the Light. Be grateful for the ways of the Almighty! You are being given a path of Light to your dreams.
from Planetary Activation Organization
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
12 Eb, 5 Tzotz, 12 Manik
Dratzo! This world continues to progress ever forward. Our earthly allies are moving the elements of a new banking system into position. The dark cabal can no longer stop the inevitable. Those ancient families in both Europe, the Americas, and of course, China is establishing the final repositories from which a great sea of monies is to flow. Those who have been assigned as both paymasters and security handlers know the right divine time to complete their special tasks. At present, the cabal is facing a number of crises, which are simply signs that this flow is very close to happening. The time for the end of these vile oligarchs has seemingly taken much too long to pass. We are approaching the Gregorian month of October. Traditionally, in the West, this is a time of scariness, hobgoblins and ghosts. In fact, it represents the time when mighty Atlantis, your ancient home, sank beneath the seas. This event occurred at the start of Zac (the white month). This time is called Halloween (hallowed eve), when the Lights (Atlantean Beings) left for their new home in Centaurus. It is only a wondrous coincidence that this period became a moment for you to obtain your blessings!
On your world, what is happening is a massive shift in how this reality operates. In previous times, the oligarchy was able to determine what was to occur and make sure that it was carried out as planned. This power has now been denied them. A revolution in the order of the migration of people, power and monies has started a transition that is to culminate shortly in a whole new way to do things. This is likewise affecting how the vast sets of monies are to be redistributed around your globe. This redistribution is ultimately to cause the cabal’s power base to crumble and their governments to fail. The outcome of this swift global transition is a spreading prosperity, paired with the rise of a vast global reset of your present global currencies. The final steps include the gold backing of these currencies and a new way by which your banks function. These vast changes are to bring you governance dedicated to a return to true democracy and the rise of a much broader concept of “people power.” This is a return to true constitutional governance
Right now, you are being bombarded by a plethora of energies. These energies are further aiding Heaven in subtle adjustments to your physical, mental and emotional aspects. The purpose of these particular adjustments is to make it easier for you to absorb the new energies that are slowly raising your body’s base frequencies. These energies need to rise as various new components are to be added by our medical teams. This is to make it possible for you to better stabilize once you are hit by the occasional large quantum of energies that are coming from the galactic core. These coming changes are to further shift you into a series of newer core perceptions. Our mentors require that you be open to a number of realities with regard to your initial “fall” from full consciousness. Heaven desires that you learn why these vast shifts in consciousness occurred. At that time, the Atlanteans were desperate to gain the aid of their dark allies. They saw that a number of other “daughter” colonies were greatly opposed to what had been done to Mu (Lemuria) and a rebellion loomed.
The changes happening to you are raising your base frequencies and making you more aware of how your many life-long perceptions are gradually changing. You are becoming more allowable as regards to the benevolent nature of this first contact fleet. It is as well looking at the role of America in a very different light. After the defeat of the Axis powers in 1945, most of the world adopted a pro-America attitude. This has greatly shifted and most now have a more negative outlook. Despite many of the tragedies that America has faced, this has persisted. What is about to occur is to greatly alter this ever-growing belief. America’s true nature is about to be rescued from the oligarchy. The main cause of this change is to be NESARA and its spread across this globe. Another is that the UFO cover-up is officially to end. The empire of the American oligarchs is over. Mindless war is done! All that is to be left is Love and Union with all humanity. A time of peace and great prosperity lies ahead. Use these moments to aid Gaia and to ready yourself for full consciousness!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The positive energies of the Light continue to flow at greater and greater levels! The energies from Heaven are being pumped toward us by this galaxy’s central core. These energies are strengthening each of you. Use these wondrous and blessed powers to create a collective vision for freedom and prosperity. Be positive and joyous as these powerful energies are capable of bringing a glorious transformation to this reality. Hallelujah! Every day these energies are raising your consciousness. The dark cabal can feel how their previously powerful energies to prevent the Light’s victory are slipping away. Rejoice and come together in a great vision, which adds your power to that of the Light. Be grateful for the ways of the Almighty! You are being given a path of Light to your dreams. Our associates continue to give us only positive messages. You are on a journey to miracles that you have not seen before.
Each part of your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies is being affected by this great influx of spiritual energy. This is why we ask you to remain positive. Join the collective of humanity and pray and/or meditate daily. Envision the realm that you desire. These spiritual exercises are to permit this new realm to accelerate it’s manifesting in this realm. Prosperity and freedom are beginning to come forward. Sense this wondrous yet subtle vision and use your abilities to aid Gaia and us in creating this new realm. Over the coming weeks, events are to slowly appear. These are to permit a new reality to hold its transformation and thrust you into this new divine place. As you approach this magical time, you are to see events happen which the dark long delayed. This is to be a time of excitement and wonder! Be patient and let go of any frustrations. A new world approaches!
Blessings. Be one with what is now happening across this grand blue-green orb. A silent revolution of epic proportions is occurring. Its divine roots began in the small financial banking businesses that dot Africa, Europe and the Americas. These blessed actions occurred over the last few decades and created a self-organizing social and media network. We have watched this urge to be free grow and await a donor to greatly develop these small networks into a means to swiftly change the face of this much maligned aspect of humanity. We bless you and work our joint visions to see you prosper. We rejoice in what is happening to see this divine vision succeed. It is to be joined with a special prosperity and sacred magic is to occur. Out of these small but highly motivated institutions, a mighty oak is to grow. Believe in miracles, be strong and prosper in the Almighty’s name! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we gave you more news of what is silently taking place around this globe. Gaia awaits you and knows that you are to do what is right with these sacred resources. It is time to reorder and redo this set of global societies. Be patient and know that a great wave of prosperity is to be yours! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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A Fluid Galactic Report…now ready for downloading…
Webinar preview: Redefining Prosperity
The GF tuned in to our collective needs, and Sheldan translated their message to us.
Usually, when PAO prepares a Webinar, we know in advance what the topics will be. But in July’s unique Live Webinar, for the very first time, the Galactic Federation transmitted to Sheldan, instantaneously, a fluid Galactic report on our progress.
You will learn how our light body integrations are being accelerated, and be given new information on the abundance program.
To order Webinar 65 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.