May 14, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called bonding. Bonding with one’s spiritual source of guidance is essential in order that one’s spiritual growth, healing, inner peace, soul evolution, faith, and trust in their inner knowing and intuition take place. This bonding provides each person with a deep and positive experience, with the knowledge that they are always being guided to their highest and greatest good in their daily lives. They know in this bonding with spirit that they can ask their divine self what is best and right for them and this enables them to receive the answers that are in their highest good. They know that their ability to manifest their dreams is much easier when they attune to the spiritual bond with their divine self. When they are connected with their spiritual guidance, they tap into the power to manifest their dreams. By this bonding, they lead a life of more joy, grace and inner peace. When they have this bonding, they know in their hearts that they are always held in love and that they are never alone.One’s own heart attitude and actions has a lot to do with the quality of each relationship that they have.
Spirit is each persons one and only dependable source of love. Love is abundant and enters one’s heart when invited. All of humanity lives in a universe of unconditional love, which is the spirit or Creator Source. One’s love relationship with their Creator fuels their ability to love others. In their lives love is as plentiful as the air they breathe and just as accessible, when one knows how to access it. When their intention is to learn to love self and to share their love with others, their heart automatically opens and love enters. When one has a solid bonding with their personal source of spiritual guidance, they define their own worth through the truth coming from their own spiritual knowing. They are constantly being guided on the path that is most loving and nurturing in regards to how to live their life. As they learn to trust their own spiritual guidance, they learn to trust in self and this is what makes them free of being controlled or distracted by others. It is incredibly freeing when they learn to live their best life by learning how to stay consistently bonded with their spiritual guidance.
Bonding with spirit and one’s inner guidance is easy when one’s deepest desire is to evolve into a more loving human being with self and others. Bonding is the ability to establish an emotional attachment to another person. It is the ability to relate to another at the deepest level. When two people have a bond with each other, they share their deepest thoughts, feelings, and dreams with each other without fear that the other person will reject them. Bonding is one of the most basic qualities in life and a basic human need, for at their very core they are relational beings. Without a solid, bonded relationship, the human soul would become mired in psychological and emotional problems. One’s soul cannot prosper without being connected and bonded to others.
At the foundation of every living thing is the idea of relationship. There is a mutual motivation to invest in the others well being. Everything that is alive relates to something else. Bonding in love with another is necessary to being an empathic, compassionate and loving person. One feels an emotional bonding with the other person in a way that their individual identities are connected together. It has been proven that bonding with others is essential to happiness and important to one’s physical health. The more loving a person is in everyday life, the healthier they generally are. The deep sense of love and belonging is an innate need in all people. They are made to love, be loved and at the root of most of these desires is a need to belong, to be accepted, to bond with others. These bonds of love are a person’s birthright and their greatest resource. Seeking out and giving love and support is a primary source of strength and joy.
One’s feeling of bonding with others does more than encourage good intentions, they also engage in positive actions. Inducing those feelings within self can cause people to be kinder and more generous to each other. Everyone wants to feel deeply bonded to other people, to be fully seen and appreciated by them, and to feel secure in those relationships.When they are with other people, they feel positive emotions, which lead to greater happiness. When people are happier, they have better and more stable relationships. This in turn leads to more positive emotions and an upward spiral of well being, health and happiness. By being grateful for and appreciating the love that surrounds them, they are continuously blessed in their lives. Learning to love and be loved is about learning to tune into one’s own emotions and needs so they know what it is they want and need from their partners. And by the expression of those needs openly, it evokes sympathy and support from them. Nothing makes people stronger, happier, and healthier than loving, stable, long term bonding to others. Long term togetherness makes permanent and positive changes within each heart, their openness to the world and the environment around them.
May the bonding with your divine essence and the others around you fill each day with blessings and love.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included.