Monatsarchive: März 2015

All are now enveloped and overlighted in every moment by the Tsunami of Love.
March 10, 2015 by John Smallman

also as audio on

No one is unworthy of God’s Love, and therefore no one is unworthy of yours! The only reason that you would withhold love from anyone is because you believe yourself to be unlovable, and to withhold love from someone is to withhold it from yourself. However, to acknowledge and be aware of that extremely painful belief about yourself is often too horrific to countenance, and so you project it outwards on to someone you can judge as unworthy of being loved.

Judgment is an aspect of the illusion to which many are enthusiastically attached. Because of the underlying sense of unworthiness that so many feel and deny, it can be very satisfying to see another’s behavior as wrong, sinful, criminal, deceitful, untrustworthy – in fact being in any way different in their behavior from your personally perceived and accepted sense of what is “normal” – judging them according to some arbitrary rules of your own making, and then righteously condemning them and enthusiastically sentencing them to what you have convinced yourselves is their well deserved punishment.

It is all too easy to find a target on to whom you can project this unbearable self-hatred – and it surely is self-hatred – because so many of you feel this way about yourselves and are constantly looking for some unworthy one doing wrong on whom you can impose a self-righteous and, of course, utterly justifiable negative judgment. Doing this helps you to feel better about yourselves because as you compare yourselves to these unacceptable others you can tell yourselves: “I am not nearly as bad as that,” or even “I am really very good.”

And in your collective fear there are very few among you who have not committed some actions that are generally perceived as crimes instead of being recognized as the desperate calls for love that thy really are. The way out of this bind or seemingly infinite playback loop is to acknowledge, look at, and release all self-judgment of yourselves as unworthy. In God’s sight no one is ever unworthy!

If you find yourselves judging others or yourselves, even if only privately, secretly in your minds, it indicates that you are in denial of your own sense of unworthiness, of unlovableness. However, once you have looked within and fully acknowledged that extremely painful state, that fearful belief and feeling that you are not good enough, you can release it and see the insanity of it, the utter invalidity of it. In that moment of awareness as you gently release it, thank it for the protection it thought it was offering you, and then intend and allow yourselves to feel the Love in which the Tsunami of Love has enveloped you.

The human condition, in which each of you sees yourself as separate from one another and from God, causes you enormous stress. Your true nature is Love, but as humans it seems that you are separated from that state and so you spend your lives seeking it, mostly in the wrong places – from your parents initially, from authority figures, from your peer group, and then very likely from another individual whom you admire and covet and whom you desperately hope will return your admiration.

To believe yourself to be separate is a most painful experience that starts at birth as you are forcefully expelled from the womb. As you grow and develop, the parental, tribal, cultural, racial, and religious rules that are imposed upon you further confirm that sense of separation because each time you break one of them and are judged wrong, and maybe shamed for doing so, it builds within you an intense sense of unworthiness thus separating you emotionally from the “good people,” those who have judged you and found you wanting. And that pain has to be buried, hidden deep in your unconscious, because it cannot be born.

When you see it spelled out like that it is quite clear that the only way out of this unhappy state is by embracing love. You all, every single human being, wants only to be loved. And there is never even a moment when you are not infinitely loved. As a human you need to feel loved because Love is your nature, and to feel unloved is effectively to die. So you keep seeking outside what you can only find within you. Love is the life force, without it you would cease to exist and that is impossible because you are eternal beings at One with Source.

Nevertheless, it seems to many of you that you do die because you have learned over the eons to identify solely with your human bodies which have, as you might express it “a rather severely limited shelf-life.” Medical science has recently succeeded in extending that bodily life expectancy, but it has also encouraged a belief that it is the only life available to you.

Over the eons unconditional love and acceptance has been a state of being that very few have experienced. However, over the last one hundred years or so, mainly as a result of the development of psychology as an approved ameliorative healing practice, the need that humans have for love has been increasingly recognized and applied, so that many young people today take it as normal – as indeed it is! – that people should behave kindly and lovingly to one another.

It is this enormous change in perception that led to the arrival of the Tsunami of Love. Previously, in earlier times, it would not have been welcomed because the general human attitude encouraged judgment and harsh punishment for wrongdoers, even for the smallest offenses. Love was talked about as being desirable but unobtainable, and therefore it was considered insane to even dream of experiencing it. You have some “leftover” expressions from those times: “You have to be cruel to be kind,” and “Tough love.” Many still believe in them! However, humanity as a whole is moving very rapidly away from that insane and truly unconscionable belief system.

Love does not condemn or punish, It offers Itself freely and constantly to all. But over the eons you have spent in the illusion, playing games of separation and experiencing the concomitant fear, judgment, and shame that it offers, you have “learned” to see yourselves as unworthy of Love and therefore find it very difficult to accept It. Feeling unloved, because you have closed yourselves off to It so that the pain of not feeling It will not be experienced, you are amazed when someone unexpectedly treats you kindly and lovingly.

This is happening more and more frequently as all are now enveloped and overlighted in every moment by the Tsunami of Love. All you need do to experience It is to open your hearts and allow It in. Intellectually most of you know that God loves you all, but deep within you lies your true knowing, the place where you can feel that Love enveloping and embracing you. By opening your hearts you learn to access that deep inner knowing and can then relish the experience of it whenever you choose. It is your God-given right, your heritage, so claim it, daily, and release all doubts about your worthiness to enjoy and experience God’s infinite Love for you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Berlin Workshop – The Vywamus Foundation – Tuesday, March 17, 2015

 Mini-Intensive with Vywamus


Are you frustrated by the increasing signs of aging in your body?

Do you know the body is a reflection, but are not sure how to work with that?

Do you desire more or less conscious awareness of what your body is telling you about YOU?

Do you feel like what you have been doing to support your body should have more of the effect that you think it should have?


If you desire to spark a new level of awareness and responsiveness in relation to your physical body, then this mini-intensive maybe for you.  Vywamus will be working intensively with each participant, stimulating the necessary movement through the unseen layers of denial to unlock the magic of reception hiding within in relation to the physical body.  Nothing about your relationship with your body is as your inner story has been making it out to be.  Join us for an evening of realization and transformation as we open to a more harmonious, co-creative relationship with the physical body.  This mini-intensive is part of a larger series of classes devoted to transmuting the physical, emotional and mental aging processes.

Pre-registration is required. The workshop will be translated life into german.

Date      :  Tuesday, 17.03.2015, 19:00-21:30

Location:  Rue Nungesser et Coli 1, 13405 Berlin

Costs     :  50,- €

Registration :

Pat & Halsey are only twice a year in Germany / Berlin. Use this opportunity for a very supporting experience !!!

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Berlin Workshop – The Vywamus Foundation , Dienstag, 17. März 2015

Mini – Intensiy mit Vywamus

Die Spiegelung von Altern & Krankheit im physischen Körper transformieren

Bist Du von den zunehmenden Anzeichen des Alterns in Deinem Körper frustriert?

Weißt Du, dass der Körper ein Spiegelbild ist, bist aber nicht sicher, wie Du damit arbeiten kannst?

Wünscht Du Dir  mehr oder weniger bewusste Wahrnehmung von dem, was Dein Körper Dir über DICH sagt ?

Hast Du das Gefühl, dass das, was Du getan hast um Deinen Körper zu unterstützen mehr von dem Effekt haben sollte, von dem Du denkst, dass wie er sein sollte ?

Wenn Du Dir wünscht, eine neue Ebene des Bewusstseins und der Antwortfähigkeit in Bezug auf Deinen physischen Körper zu zünden, dann  mag  dieses Mini-Intensiv für Dich sein. Vywamus wird intensiv mit jedem Teilnehmer daran arbeiten die notwendige Bewegung durch die unsichtbaren Schichten der Verleugnung zu stimulieren, um die Magie der Annahme, die in dem Verhältnis zum physischen Körper versteckt ist, zu öffnen. Nichts über die Beziehung zu Deinem Körper ist so, wie das, was Deine  innere Geschichte scheinbar daraus gemacht hat  Begleite  uns für einen Abend der Realisierung und der Transformation, an dem wir uns für eine harmonischere, co-kreative Beziehung mit dem physischen Körper öffnen. Dieses Mini-Intensiv ist Teil einer größeren Serie von Veranstaltungen, die der Transmutation der physischen, emotionalen und mentalen Alterungsprozesse gewidmet sind

Eine Voranmeldung ist erforderlich! Der Workshop wird life in deutsch übersetzt.

Datum: Dienstag, 17.03.2015,  19:00-21:30

Veranstaltungsort: Rue Nungesser et Coli 1, 13405 Berlin

Kosten: 50,- €


Pat & Halsey sind nur 2 x im Jahr in Deutschland / Berlin. Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit zu einer sehr unterstützenden Erfahrung !!!

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Wir werden Petitions-Plattform für Europa

openPetition wird Petitionsplattform für Europa

immer mehr Entscheidungen, die uns alle betreffen, fallen auf EU-Ebene. Doch die Europa-Politik ist weit weg von den Bürgern und von starken Lobbygruppen beeinflusst. Deshalb müssen Bürger/innen europaweit gemeinsam aktiv werden können. Wir wollen zu Entscheidungen wie z.B. TTIP und CETA mitreden können.

Europa braucht lebendige Demokratie.
Mit Ihrer Spende machen wir sie möglich.
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Wir brauchen ein Gegengewicht zu Bürokratie, Geheimhaltung und Konzern-Interessen. Dafür brauchen wir eine organisierte, starke Bürgerlobby europaweit.

Bisher gibt es aber noch keine wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit, wie EU-Politik von uns Bürgern angestoßen wird. Selbst das Instrument der „Europäischen Bürgerinititative“ bewährt sich in der Praxis noch nicht. Deshalb wird openPetition jetzt zur Petitionsplattform für Europa:

Das haben wir vor:

Eine Petitionsplattform für jedes Land in Europa in der jeweiligen Landessprache
Übersetzungen jeder Petition in alle europäischen Sprachen ermöglichen
Europa-Petitionen mit Länder-Quoren
Für die ersten Länder haben wir die Länderseiten erstellt und übersetzt, u.a. Irland, Österreich, Vereinigtes Königreich und Schweiz. Damit wir das für alle Länder in Europa machen können, brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe. Helfen Sie uns, Bürgerbeteiligung und von Bürgern gemachte Politik europaweit zu ermöglichen. Mit Ihrer Spende können wir Schritt für Schritt weitere Länder und Sprachen hinzufügen.
Für jedes EU-Land brauchen wir 2.000 Euro, damit openPetition dort online gehen kann.
Mit Ihrer Spende entscheiden Sie, welches Land wir als nächstes fertig stellen.
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Wir suchen auch Unterstützung beim Übersetzen. Wenn Sie uns bei der Übersetzung der Petitionsplattform von Deutsch in eine europäische Sprache helfen wollen, schreiben Sie uns an:

Gemeinsam schaffen wir mehr lebendige Demokratie in Europa!

Herzliche Grüße
Jörg Mitzlaff und Fritz Schadow von openPetition

Berlin, 11.03.2015

PS: Die Demokratie(n) in Europa sind vielen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Tun wir etwas dafür, dass die Demokratie europaweit gestärkt wird – durch mehr Beteiligung der Bürger/innen!

openPetition gemeinnützige GmbH | Haus der Demokratie | Greifswalder Str. 4 | 10405 Berlin

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Wir werden Petitions-Plattform für Europa

openPetition wird Petitionsplattform für Europa


Hallo Cornelia Dix-Kühn,

immer mehr Entscheidungen, die uns alle betreffen, fallen auf EU-Ebene. Doch die Europa-Politik ist weit weg von den Bürgern und von starken Lobbygruppen beeinflusst. Deshalb müssen Bürger/innen europaweit gemeinsam aktiv werden können. Wir wollen zu Entscheidungen wie z.B. TTIP und CETA mitreden können.

Europa braucht lebendige Demokratie.
Mit Ihrer Spende machen wir sie möglich.
online spenden

Wir brauchen ein Gegengewicht zu Bürokratie, Geheimhaltung und Konzern-Interessen. Dafür brauchen wir eine organisierte, starke Bürgerlobby europaweit.

Bisher gibt es aber noch keine wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit, wie EU-Politik von uns Bürgern angestoßen wird. Selbst das Instrument der „Europäischen Bürgerinititative“ bewährt sich in der Praxis noch nicht. Deshalb wird openPetition jetzt zur Petitionsplattform für Europa:

Das haben wir vor:

  • Eine Petitionsplattform für jedes Land in Europa in der jeweiligen Landessprache
  • Übersetzungen jeder Petition in alle europäischen Sprachen ermöglichen
  • Europa-Petitionen mit Länder-Quoren
Für die ersten Länder haben wir die Länderseiten erstellt und übersetzt, u.a. IrlandÖsterreich,Vereinigtes Königreich und Schweiz. Damit wir das für alle Länder in Europa machen können, brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe. Helfen Sie uns, Bürgerbeteiligung und von Bürgern gemachte Politik europaweit zu ermöglichen. Mit Ihrer Spende können wir Schritt für Schritt weitere Länder und Sprachen hinzufügen.
Für jedes EU-Land brauchen wir 2.000 Euro, damit openPetition dort online gehen kann.
Mit Ihrer Spende entscheiden Sie, welches Land wir als nächstes fertig stellen.
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Wir suchen auch Unterstützung beim Übersetzen. Wenn Sie uns bei der Übersetzung der Petitionsplattform von Deutsch in eine europäische Sprache helfen wollen, schreiben Sie uns

Gemeinsam schaffen wir mehr lebendige Demokratie in Europa!

Herzliche Grüße
Jörg Mitzlaff und Fritz Schadow von openPetition

Berlin, 12.03.2015

PS: Die Demokratie(n) in Europa sind vielen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Tun wir etwas dafür, dass die Demokratie europaweit gestärkt wird – durch mehr Beteiligung der Bürger/innen!

Sie erhalten diesen Newsletter, weil Sie ihn abonniert oder auf openPetition eine Petition unterzeichnet haben. Sie haben zuletzt am 23.01.2015 die Petition “Wir kämpfen für unser Strandbad Tegel!” auf openPetition unterschrieben. Dieser Newsletter geht an insgesamt 2.382.786 engagierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Sie können den openPetition Newsletter jederzeit abbestellen und wieder neu abonnieren.openPetition gemeinnützige GmbH | Haus der Demokratie | Greifswalder Str. 4 | 10405 Berlin


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…und seeeehr kräftig und voller Tatendrang… einen herzlichen Dank und Gruß an alle System-Buster-Kollegen, die schon etwas früher gegangen sind, oder gegangen wurden….und wir lieben die Kooperation mit den jungen Kollegen der neuen Generation…Let´s unite and work together…be awake and take care :)))


…sind im Moment “normal”. Beunruhigen Sie sich nicht, auch das wird vorübergehen. Seien sie freundlich mit sich und anderen, und reduzieren Sie Ihre Leistungsansprüche an sich selbst und andere!!!

Unser ganzer Planet wird momentan von starken transformatorischen Energien duchströmt, die unsere emotionalen, mentalen und körperlichen Systeme beeinflussen, und diese Energien werden noch zunehmen. Ruhen sie sich so oft wie möglich aus, vertiefen Sie Ihre Atmung, gehen Sie so oft wie möglich in die Natur, nehmen Sie hochdosierte Vit.B Komplexe und machen Sie kurze Entspannungsübungen und Meditationen. Wenn Sie keine kennen, dann kümmern Sie sich JETZT darum, welche zu erlernen. Ich empfehle:

Die Cd mit Übungsanleitung: Torwege zum Jetzt von Eckart Tolle..hier die Einleitung dazu:

Das Gefühl der Zeitverkürzung hat nichts mit Ihrem Alter zu tun :), sondern mit energetischer Frequenzerhöhung. Auch das wird sich noch steigern….Üben Sie im Moment zu bleiben, es gab sowieso nie etwas anderes. Seien Sie geduldig mit sich selbst und anderen. Wir alle unterliegen einem riesigen inneren Wandlungsprozeß. Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen über Ihre Befindlichkeiten und Wahrnehmungen aus, und Sie werden sehen, dass Sie damit nicht alleine sind. Es wird jeden Tag schwerer Dinge zu tun, die man eigentlich nicht tun will. Gewöhnen Sie sich daran. Ihre wahre Essenz übernimmt jetzt das Steuer , und Widerstand macht den Prozess nur unnötig schmerzhaft. Auch wenn sich das alles beschwerlich anfühlt…es ist der größte positive Evolutionssprung, den wir jemals gemacht haben, und sie haben eingewilligt daran teilzunehmen, sonst wären Sie jetzt nicht hier :)))…begegnen Sie ihm mit Dankbarkeit und Vertrauen. ALLES IST GUT !!!!!   Arya.C.Dix-Kühn

A short update on the energies

February 21, 2015 Channeling by Aisha North

As many of you have noticed, this ongoing merger of the inner layers that is taking place now will have many of you sitting up to take notice of the effects this will induce upon your system, and rightly so. For as we have already told you, this period will be one of massive transformation, one where these incoming missiles of energy will interact in a most profound way with your own energetic setup, and as such, the collapse of internal division into a coherent and far more fluid system than the former fragmented one is now finally on its way. So you see, this at times churning sea of chaotic tendencies towards misrepresentation of the actual events is not one that is entirely unfounded, for even if you are all well versed in these recurring periods of energetic upheavals, this will still be considered as one out of the ordinary, if ordinary is indeed a word that can be taken into use for any of these occasions. For as you all know more than well by this stage, every step you take is one that will break through the boundaries set by the previous ones, and as such, let us simply say that even in this long line of extraordinary events, this one will certainly stand out in the crowd.

So again we say know that all is well, even if so much within you may be screaming out in protestation, and even if you may at times feel more than a little alienated from your own being, let alone the world around you.

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For as these emissaries of light continue to converse with those centres within you that governs these highly complex processes, it will be as if your entire circuit board will be wiped clean more than once, and as such, the sense of being untethered in a very tangible way may become prevalent on more than one occasion for you all. Be that as it may, we still venture to guess that you will find yourself literally bouncing back into full clarity from one moment to the next, when it will be as if the internal fog may dissipate sufficiently for you to get at least a tiny glimpse of the greatness that is now becoming fully unveiled. And when we speak of greatness, it is none other than the very essence of you, the Grand Master that has been hidden away inside of this seemingly inconspicuous fleshy vehicle that from the outside still very much defines you as a human. But now, a true revolution is taking place literally under the very surface of this vehicle, for by now, your sense of being human will be literally only skin deep.

For from now on, little by little, or rather, at a tempo that is fully in compliance with your own inner workings, these inner secrets will be revealed to you all. And as this process of unveiling will continue to expand at an increasing rate, you will find those former fragments of your inner self beginning to fuse together into one coherent fully operational set, a complex structure that will begin to run at full speed as soon as you are ready to take that full step across the old divide that still separates you from your own inner values.

Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but what we are trying to convey is simply this: what you are becoming now is what has been heralded for eons, for you are finally beginning to finalize the process of unification, the process that has been oft prophesied, but will now finally become reality. And so, as piece after piece is being fused together to that supporting structure that can for the first time become fully operational, you might feel the tugging from something deep within you beginning to stir. For now, what has been lying dormant will indeed begin to make you take notice of it – or rather, of YOU. For everything that is beginning to come alive now, are parts of you, there is nothing within you that is foreign in any way, as everything you will come into contact with is simply a vital piece of the huge conglomerate that is you in your entirety.

So let yourself come alive by allowing the old divisions to melt away, and do not try to hold on to any semblance of the known, for that is merely a futile attempt to stem the flow of evolution that is taking place within the confines of your physical body as well as within your mind. For that is where the old ideas of identity still prefer to linger, but you are no longer to linger within these small and cramped rooms of limitation. Instead, you need to give yourself permission to throw away any and all ideas of who you really are, and to allow the magic that is really you to come out into the open. It may seem to be more than a little daunting for some of you, for the concept of your own greatness is one thing, coming literally face to face with it may seem to be a task that will bring many of you to literally stop in your tracks in hesitation.

For what you will see will truly be beyond description, and as such that human mind will still want to protest and balk at the very idea of embracing something that is so far removed from what it still looks upon as the very ideal of existence. But as that is an existence based upon the small list of acceptables that are still being used to define mankind, this will literally blow the doors off to something that is so far from being the norm, it will take some hard work for many of you to step past that old demarcation line of what you think is real or not even plausible.

So again we say know that the only way to step across that line once and for all is to truly allow yourself to do so. And in order to find the courage to do just that, you need to be able to fully connect with that inner sanctum of your being who will tell you beyond any shadow of any doubts you might care to conjure up that there is no way that this will not be fully sanctioned by YOU, the one and only voice of reason that is applicable on this journey. For the answer to this quest for reason is one that will only be found within you, it is not something that you need to be given permission to experience by anyone else, nor can anyone but you allow YOU to take this step. For this step must be taken, but it can only be taken if you say YES with all of your heart. For once taken, there is no going back, and as such, the one you used to be will no longer be available to you.

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And so, the inner resistance from those parts of you that know they will become obsolete the moment this decision is finally taken will still try to persuade you to hold off making that choice, or to deny yourself even the possibility to do so. And no wonder, as these parts of you have been there as a sort of “life saver” in many a previous incarnation, when the call to step more fully into the light would mean almost certain extinction by the forces still set on keeping mankind fully out of the know from their own greatness.

But now, the time has come for all of you to open as wide as you can for you, and to allow the full unfolding of your inner greatness to take place. And as such, there will be no room for hesitation, only for allowance to let YOU take all the place you really need in order to fulfill this quest for total transformation of this entire planet. For some, this may sound as a recipe for disaster, as for them, this will sound like an invitation to allow your ego to balloon into such proportions, there will be little or no room for others, and all this will imply, is a planet where a small number of people will usurp the space from everyone else. But that is not the case here, for when we talk about taking up space, it will not be at the expense of others. Rather, this is to imply that only by allowing yourself to fully embody the light that you already carry within you can you help others to see the way forwards. In other words, in order for all of you to become the shining examples that will help to show the rest of mankind the only feasible way out of the detrimental chaos they have all been a part of creating, you can no longer hold yourself back. For only when you allow that inner greatness to step out from the small container it has been compressed within can the release of your light help to set free so many others as well.

So again we say allow yourself to become the YOU you are here to BE, and only by letting that inner greatness come to the fore, will this completion become complete.

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And now, you will all be put before that very decision; are your ready to go up in full bloom, or are you still more set on staying dormant a little bit longer, hidden away in that dark loam where you have been patiently waiting to come fully alive for such a long time? The decision is all yours, but once it is taken, it is one that will affect ALL. So once again we say know that you are not a small and insignificant speck of dust in the vastness of Creation, you are in fact the one that everything hinges on. For you are all the changemakers, the ones that came to this planet in order to make everything NEW again after a long, long detour into the old and dense corners of darkness. So allow the light that is within you help you to decide, for again, it is only you who can say yes to YOU. The rest of Creation has already embraced the magnificence that is the true you, and there is nothing we would want more than for you to be able to do the same.

Jedes Jahr legen die 41 Millionen Avaaz-Mitglieder in einer großen Umfrage die Prioritäten unserer Bewegung fest. Entscheiden wir jetzt gemeinsam, welche Kampagnenerfolge wir 2015 erleben wollen!


Liebe Avaaz-Gemeinschaft,

2014 war ein riesiges Jahr. Fast 700.000 Menschen haben wir mit der größten Klima-Mobilisierung aller Zeiten auf die Straßen gebracht. 4.000 von uns haben sich bereiterklärt, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen und im Kampf gegen Ebola ihr Leben zu riskieren. Sei es beim Schutz der Ozeane oder der Elefanten, bei der Rettung des Internets, im Einsatz gegen Monsanto oder bei vielen weiteren Kampagnen ― 2014 konnten wir große Erfolge feiern!

Was hält das Jahr 2015 bereit? Es wird Zeit, dass wir das zusammen entscheiden. Jedes Jahr legen wir unsere Prioritäten in einer großen Mitgliederumfrage fest — nehmen Sie daran teil, um mit Ihrer Stimme unsere gemeinsame Vision mitzugestalten:



Es gibt jetzt 41 Millionen von uns und die Zahl steigt rasant — das sind 41 Millionen engagierte Menschen, die gemeinsame Ansichten und Werte verbinden. Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die sich als Teil einer Menschenfamilie sehen, die stärker ist als all die Dinge, die uns spalten könnten. Eine menschliche Gemeinschaft, die sich für die Welt einsetzt, von der wir alle träumen.

Wohin führen uns unsere Ansichten und Werte dieses Jahr? Entscheiden Sie mit — nehmen Sie jetzt an der Umfrage teil (sie dauert nur ein paar Minuten und die Ergebnisse aus vorigen Jahren zeigen, dass wir damit die Welt verändern können). Und wenn Sie keine Zeit haben, dann werfen Sie doch einen Blick auf die Seite mit den Ergebnissen, wo der Plan bereits Gestalt annimmt. Dort finden Sie auch Informationen über das Wachstum und die Erfolge unserer Gemeinschaft.

Oft werden wir gefragt, was Avaaz ist. Im Kern lautet die Antwort: Avaaz, das sind wir – alle von uns – und unsere Träume, unsere Hoffnung und die Entschlossenheit, die wir in uns tragen, um eine bessere Welt zu gestalten.Doch wenn wir unsere Kräfte vereinen, schaffen wir etwas Gemeinsames. Etwas, das mehr ist als die Summe seiner Teile: eine Vision und die Bewegung, mit der wir sie verwirklichen. Tun wir uns jetzt zusammen, um die Vision und die Bewegung zu schaffen, die die Welt im Jahr 2015 braucht.

Voller Dankbarkeit für jedes einzelne Mitglied dieser Gemeinschaft,

Ricken, Nataliya, Danny und das ganze Avaaz-Team.

more about this topic on

     HILARION 2015

March 7-14, 2015

Beloved Ones,

The passage of time accelerates or rather, has that influence upon your lives. There are many epochs of Earth’s history that are coming into alignment with the current timeline and the information and knowledge that was lost in the mists of antiquity is now being brought back in a revised and updated way. There is a process of integration that is occurring and also a recalibration to the new Earth reality of everyone and everything upon the planet. It is a challenging time for many people throughout the world and the current and constantly increasing energies brings to them the need to re-evaluate and reset their own priorities, their goals and objectives. This activity will continue to take place throughout the coming years, as each individual moves forward according to their own level of growth and expansion. During this accelerated process of growth for each individual, there will be many stops and starts along the way. It behooves each person to know themselves and their personal and planetary cycles and then begin to work in unison with them.

Each individual is now firmly following their own star, their own individual path and higher destiny. It is important to be patient with one another as this process continues, for there is room for all of humanity in their diversity to fully expand in wonderful and amazing ways. What seems wrong for one individual is exactly the right thing for another. Each person is learning to listen to, become attuned and sensitive to, their own inner promptings. This may create a clash of wills at times and care must be taken to allow everyone in one’s vicinity and sphere of influence their individual right to move at their own speed as they process the metamorphosis that is occurring within them. The internal changes that are taking place affect everyone and it is important to remember this when interacting with each other. Realize that everyone is doing the best that they can in every moment and can assimilate only at their own level of understanding. Let go of any fixed or rigid ideas and expectations and surrender to the natural flow of events. Be easy on yourselves and others and practice detachment in all situations.

Those of you who have already passed through the majority of the cleansing, clearing and purging process are working to refine your five body system. You have been learning to view the beauty of each moment in your personal world and the people in it. As love, respect and appreciation for each other and for your world expands and grows, letting go of the former perceived limitations in all areas of your lives and replacing them with the determination to come through these challenging opportunities in unity and peace will be the prime motivation within each person’s heart. There is a greater coming together of the Earth’s people that is occurring. Every person on Earth is important in the divine scheme of things and helping each other with an open heart, humility, honesty, kindness and generosity is the way to creating the change that you desire to bring into this world.

One now understands that love, compassion and kindness are the motivating powers behind every word and action, behind every thought and feeling that you hold within your heart in order to create a more peaceful, prosperous and abundant life. In being mindful of the choices that you make and how these choices can impact others around you, always seek only their highest and greatest good in all that you do. As each of you tends to your garden of life, the highest potential takes root and grows into each person’s reality and is nourished with their care, patience and diligence. There is an amazing power in a strong intention that is fuelled by love. When you practice blessing the world, the world blesses you tenfold in return.

By cultivating the practice of focusing on the things in your life that bring you joy and manoeuvring around any distractions that come your way, you can be assured that your focus and determination will start to manifest this in your life in wonderfully synchronistic ways. Believe in yourselves, Dear Ones, that you have the power and the ability to create the life of your dreams. Persevere in your determined efforts to effect a positive change in your life, the lives of your loved ones, and in your world. You deserve to have all that your heart desires fully manifest here on Earth.

Until next week …

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Introducing PAO’s Live Webinar for March

PAO’s webinars are designed for you to receive the information on many levels….they are multidimensional in nature. Join us!

In this singular time of human history, spirituality and science are in the process of converging into a new paradigm.

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In this Webinar, you will learn the role science plays in merging with our path to full consciousness.

Topics include…

• Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking the Matrix using Spiritual Science
• Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The science of miracles
• The New Harmonics tap into the World of Spirit
• Look to nature for answers
• Understanding what we can’t see or prove
• How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

Sunday, March 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, March 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

For your convenience: Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Golden Age Messages from the Masters

from the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

BE The Change

March 2015 ~~ Part 1

Your heartfelt intent and gratitude for everything and everyone in your life is vital to establish and expand the love, wisdom and power of your Presence within the whole of your being. We applaud each of you for your dedication to live as your Presence and from that level of your consciousness, to make any changes that you know would assist in creating the foundations of a new world and the manifestation of a new Golden Age of Freedom. We are here to inspire you, to support your gifts and to encourage you to create and co-create with others because all changes must come through those of you who are currently living on Earth.

~ Saint Germain, Lady Portia & the Councils of Shamballa

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You are each expanding your capacity to give your God Presence the authority to create, through you, a completely new world founded in the unifying principles that are a natural part of the consciousness of every Ascended Master and indeed, every ascending master. Since the fall of Atlantis, you have been waiting for this glorious opportunity to be an active part of creating a new Golden Age of Freedom ~ don’t miss it!

The more profound your passion and willingness to live on Earth as your Presence and as emissaries for Source, the more the Diamond-Opalescent Light of Mother/Father God can keep stimulating the opening of the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA, and your connection with more of the multi-dimensional consciousness of your Presence.

Your awakening into a new dimension has been creating an etheric bridge of consciousness and that bridge is now being used to assist you and others in moving into the next dimension of consciousness. Your Presence and the truth of your Divine spiritual inheritance to act as Golden Age emissaries will keep magnetizing you into new dimensions of consciousness while expanding the gifts and skills you have accumulated over many lifetimes.

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As you keep drawing upon the ancient, pre-separation information encoded within your crystalline DNA, you will find that your consciousness is not truly limited to any one dimension. New levels of consciousness will continue to be activated in direct proportion to your willingness to live beyond all of the 3rd dimensional paradigms that were ever created to control the thoughts and feelings of humanity. You are each in the process of remembering who you are beyond all the confining, fear-based information that was sent into your mind, heart and body after the fall of Atlantis.

Your willingness to align your consciousness with your Presence during these times is constantly expanding your abilities to make any personal or planetary changes that are in harmony with a new Golden Age and the Divine Crystalline Blueprint for the planet. It is the expansion of the Creator’s Love and Light within every cell and atom of your being, and your willingness to live on Earth as your Presence, that is making the ascension of humanity and the ascension of your planet possible.

We are here to support you in being magnificent demonstrations of living on Earth in total harmony with every aspect of life. Everything that you create will then be exemplifying your interconnectedness with all of humanity, with the animal and plant kingdoms and with all those living in the heavenly realms and throughout the cosmos.

You are truly the agents of change who were called to your precious Earth to assist in shifting the consciousness of humanity out of duality and fear into their unlimited capacities to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness. The power of your Presence must be given full dominion over your thoughts and feelings so any duality implants can be rendered null and void. You are the strong of the strong and truly you are the Light and Love of the world, for how else could God truly be intimately involved with you, with your world and with your ongoing creations to fulfill humanity’s Divine Crystalline Blueprint for these times. Stand tall in this knowing and never allow yourself to believe otherwise!

From Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose


Courses Offered from Ascended Master Mystery School

Be the Change! Step into Your Mastery:

Be the Master You Came to be ~ in Your Life & in the World

Advanced Ascension & Master Manifestation Training for Awakened Souls

March 20-23 in Maui & Online Worldwide

For more information, go to:
Walk the Earth as a Living Master

For more courses offered go to WalkTheEarthAsALivingMasterand click on the Menu



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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762