- Weissagung der Cree:
- „Erst wenn der letzte Baum gerodet, der letzte Fluss vergiftet, der letzte Fisch gefangen ist, werdet Ihr merken, dass man Geld nicht essen kann.“
- (Englische Version: Only after the last tree has been cut down / Only after the last river has been poisoned / Only after the last fish has been caught / Then will you find that money cannot be eaten.)
- ……lassen wir es nicht so weit kommen !!!! Arya C.Dix-Kühn
Masaru Emoto, der letztes Jahr physisch von uns gegangen ist, war der erste Forscher, der sichtbar gemacht hat, welchen Einfluss Gedanken und Gefühle auf Wasser als Energieträger haben. Hier ein paar Bilder dazu…Mit großem Dank an Herrn Emoto für sein Lebenswerk, dass er uns hinterlassen hat !!!! Arya C.Dix-Kühn

UNIFY Family!
We’re excited and ready to launch our UNIFY Map for World Water Day!
You might remember the amazing UNIFY Map we created for International Peace Day 2014, where Organizers from across the globe uploaded their events to one map and showed the web of interconnectedness weaving around our planet. We’re doing it again for World Water Day!
Show the world what you’re doing to #LoveWater and help other people in your community find you too by uploading your event to our UNIFY Map.
It’s easy as 1-2-3!
- Go to the UNIFY Map
- Click “create event”
- Input your informationVoila! You are done!
Click here to Register your Event on the Map:
Hosting a virtual event in your community? That’s great- just input where you are located, and add the facebook page for the event, so others can join you around the globe too!
Want to create an event for community for World Water Day 2015? It’s not to late!
SIGN UP TO BE AN ORGANIZER or email us: events@unify.org and we’ll help get you started! |
No matter where you are in the world, be sure to join the event on Facebook too!Join the 2000+ other world changers, just like you, and #LoveWater on March 22nd. |
BIG HUGS~Your UNIFY Family |