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UPLIFT Weekly No.1 November 17 – 24 2015

Peace in the World Begins with You

If the events in Paris teach us anything, it is that ending the spiral of violence must start with each of us claiming our own Peace.

The Science behind Breathing in Yoga

Control of the breath is one of the most powerful tools in Yoga. This is the science behind why breathing in Yoga is so important.

Treating Depression with Tribal Wisdom

If we want to treat depression, we can learn a lot from African community rituals involving dance and drumming.

Moving from the Head to the Heart

It’s time to unlock the power of the Feminine within all of us by moving our inner guidance system from the Head to the Heart.

Research Shows Health Benefits of Music

The ability to listen without reacting, and be present while hearing another person express deep emotions can be strengthened through listening to music.

This week’s video:

Chip Richards finds that Peace is something that can’t be done, but can be found.
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