Many of you have reached out to us over the years, not only with your appreciation, but also with suggestions to help us make the information more widely available across the globe.

We have been listening and very much appreciate your willingness to co-create with us, so we have decided to share with you a bit about the many projects that we have in the works. Let’s jump right in!

PROJECT 1: Library Project
We are working to digitize and remaster all of the older session recordings and index our entire library from the original master cassettes and VHS tapes that were created in the 1980’s and 90’s. We are responsible for insuring that the quality of the Bashar material released to the public is as close to the original vibration delivered by Bashar as possible. The poor quality digital files that have been pirated and circulated are not energetically accurate and we don’t use them. Even for our YouTube uploads we work from original source material whenever possible. Through the completion of the Bashar Library Project we will have greater ability to easily access and share topic-related material, create new and unique products, search for sessions by phrases when you email us looking for a certain session, as well as upload source files to mass digital download services like iTunes and Amazon.

PROJECT 2: Translations and DVD Subtitles
We are working to provide Bashar’s information in additional languages across the globe. In order to preserve the original vibration of the material though, we must be meticulous with every step of the translation process. As we finalize our system, we will be able to move the translations along more quickly, but for now it is still quite a time-consuming endeavor. What can you do to help? If you are a professional translator, please send us your resume! We would love to discover those who are both willing and qualified to assist us in translating the materials. You can send your resume to for consideration.

PROJECT 3: New, Updated Website
We are in the process of completing our new website which will have many exciting features and better usability. We anticipate launching the new website in 2016.

PROJECT 4: Subscriptions
We are currently exploring our options for creating a subscription service to expand your ability to access the Bashar information. Our goal is to create a unique membership site that will not only provide access to more of the Bashar material, but will also allow you to find the specific topic information you are personally seeking. We want to be able to provide the materials, both in smaller, topic-related clips as well as in full sessions, at a more affordable price. This, however, also relies on our ability to complete the Library Project.

PROJECT 5: Pay-Per-View Service
We are also looking to provide many of the recorded Bashar sessions on an online streaming, video-on-demand (VOD) basis at a reduced cost. We expect this to be released in stages over the next few months. Stay tuned!

PROJECT 6: Reduced Pricing
We are actively seeking ways to reduce the costs associated with the creation of the downloads and discs. Now that more people are aware of the importance of supporting our work through purchasing the information, we are able to begin the process of reducing our prices. We expect these changes will be completed by the end of the year. Though some may suggest we eliminate the CDs and DVDs all together, we have to consider those who do not use computers the same way many of us do. We have many people who still do not even shop online or have an email account. It is for them that we continue to provide disc formats of the material so that we include everyone as we move forward. A few of you may even know that we only discontinued cassette tapes about three years ago!

PROJECT 7: Books
We are updating Blueprint for Change and will be releasing a new version in 2016. In addition, we have several new Bashar books in the works, including Darryl’s book “One: A Unified Theory of Metaphysics” ™ all of which we hope to release in 2016.

PROJECT 8: Official Bashar YouTube Channel
We are working to upload more new Bashar audio/video clips as well as replicate existing Bashar clips (from our source material) that are on other YouTube channels, so there will continue to be an abundance of free information available on our Bashar Communications YouTube channel. Once a clip is uploaded to our channel you can share it via playlists, but please do not download them and reupload to your channel. We do not currently support the uploading of any new or additional Bashar clips via other YouTube channels. When a video is uploaded, as opposed to shared via playlist, it will trigger a copyright strike from YouTube. Until we are able to upload to our channel the many clips that are currently on YouTube, you can continue to use the existing ones on other channels for discussion purposes.

About Pricing and Study Groups
Going back to price reduction, we want to acknowledge that there are many people out there who truly cannot afford to purchase all of the sessions that excite them, be it because money is just tight right now, or because they live in a foreign country and the currency exchange makes the sessions far too expensive. For these reasons, we have always allowed for the “study group” style of purchase. A few Bashar fans come together once a month to watch the latest purchased session. Member A has made the purchase this month, Member B will make the purchase for next month’s meeting, or all the people can pool their money together to watch a single copy, and so on. So long as you are not making additional copies to give to the other members, this is still in alignment! It’s just the same as inviting your best friend over to watch the latest summer blockbuster rental.

Final Thoughts
Given that we are a core group of only four regular team members, we have a lot on our plate and little time to move everything forward while still bringing you new events. We appreciate your understanding in this situation while we continue to develop new products and services.

We are not here to block anyone from accessing the information. We are all here to do our best to bring Bashar to the world in the most vibrationally accurate form possible so the Bashar messages are understood correctly for maximum benefit. We just need your patience, your support and your desire to remain in alignment with the material while we work to bring our various projects to fruition. We are looking forward to bringing you a deeper and richer experience with Bashar in 2016 and we very much appreciate your support and excitement about exploring the Bashar information!

Best regards

Darryl Anka, April Rochelle and the Bashar Communications Team

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